"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Shower in a Box

I called my mother the other day and asked what she was doing and without hesitation, she said, "We're having a shower for K." Hmm? I thought she just said my name but meant my cousin, Gena. I just said, "For who, mom?" Then she started to trip over every word she said. She gave it away. They wanted to surprise me when I got the box in the mail, so I knew nothing about the shower. Since I couldn't make it up to Montana before the baby, my wonderful family up there decided to have a shower for me anyway. I got the box today. It was so nice of them to do something like that for us. I got a diaper cake and lots of gift cards and a couple of ornaments. I looked all over for ornaments that were for expecting parents and couldn't find any. Leave it to my mother and grandmother....now I have two! They are adorable. I'm very grateful for the gifts that we got in my "Shower in a Box." Thank you so much to everyone that came and thanks a ton for all of the baby goodies! I heard there was a nice spread...I wish I could have been there for the fruit pizza! That sounds wonderful! Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Christmas Present

This year I was very impressed with my Christmas present from my husband. I think he did a wonderful job. I always get a little nervous when it is gift-giving time in our house. One year for V*alentine's day I had resigned myself to the fact that I would get nothing unless I asked for it specifically. I just wanted a card...nothing more. When I told him that V-day was coming up soon, he said that he was "working on something." I started to get a little excited, wow, he's already thinkin'! Well...he's not good at keeping secrets, so he keeps talking. "It's kinda for both of us." OK "Well, I don't really think that you're going to like it." OK, so you're working on something for yourself? Then he said that one of his friends had gotten a bull m*astiff puppy and didn't realize how big it would get and his wife was making him get rid of it. S. said all that he would have to do is pay the shipping to get the dog to him. Now just a side note: we already have two 90lb dogs at this point in our lives. No! No, no, no!! No more dogs! So what to I end up getting for V-day.....nothing...not even a card! So this Christmas I told him that I would like a futon or daybed to go into our guest bedroom/office. I began to get nervous when he started to tell me that he was going "all out" this year. And then he again said, "It's kinda for both of us." I started to imagine seeing a futon on Christmas morning, then quickly got over that and thought that he was either assembling parts to a rifle down here or building a dog kennel for the "new puppy." I was thrilled when I came downstairs on Christmas morning to find that he had slaved all night in the guestroom painting and putting together my Christmas gift. He painted the whole room, the desk, and added the coffee table and "click-clack". (Kind of like a futon, but a little different. Not 100% that is really the name for it.) He did not come to bed at all on Christmas Eve and only slept 2 hours on Christmas day because he worked so hard on my gift. I must say I'm very impressed and totally grateful!

Sugar Cookies

One of our family traditions is to make sugar cookies for Santa every year. Since I was away from my sisters this Christmas, I made my husband decorate cookies with me. Let's just say from the pictures above of the dead ginger people, you shouldn't decorate Christmas sugar cookies with boys. He also had a few punisher skulls that he threw in there as well. It was fun though. I didn't think he would really want to do it, but when we sat down to roll them out he tried to take all of the dough and only left me with one cookie sheet! He did get bored after decorating one or two sheets of cookies and just started to put the same color sprinkles on all of the cookies. We had a fun time making them together, though. I can't wait to make a big mess with our little one next year.

Monday, December 24, 2007

38 Weeks

What do you think? My mind has been wondering since the day I found out we were going to have a child. What will this baby look like? From the looks of the parents, baby will always look irritated and gassy! We'll just have to wait and see. I just pray the baby is healthy and NOT A CAT!
S. and I had some belly pictures done the other day. They won't be in for a while, so I doubt that I will post them. Anyone of you that knows S. knows he's not a fan of getting pictures done, and he continues to live up to that expectation. It was like pulling teeth out of a duck to get him to pose. Some of them turned out really well though.
We're just two weeks away from our due date. I guess it could be any day, but my mother won't be here until one week from tomorrow. I've been told to cross my legs! ha! I don't think there's anything going on. I've been having a few contractions, but I don't think they are productive and they aren't yet predictable. So far, just hanging on and getting things ready. S. and I put the car seat into the truck yesterday. Just want everything to be ready. Normally I'm last minute Lucy...I think this child and my wedding are the only things I've actually taken time in advance to prepare.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Baby's Room

I know there are only two pictures, but the room isn't very big and isn't very done! ha! I just wanted to post something of the baby's room before I have no time to do so! The room still needs curtains and I have a few more dots/cirlces for the walls. I'm not sure if I should do the dots/cirles all around the room or just close to the crib. I'm open to suggestions. I haven't yet found a crib set that I like either. I have found a couple, but they have either blue or pink in them. I might wait and just buy one after the baby arrives. However, I wanted to get something that I can use again with a boy or girl, so that might not work either. I guess I will just keep looking. I also want to find some shelving and other fun stuff to put on the walls. But for now, this is what I've got.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A cat?!

Any women that has ever been pregnant has probably had a dream this strange or even worse... I had a dream last night that my baby came out just fine and healthy, but once I got her home, she turned into a cat! Most of you know that I'm not a big fan of cats. However, most of the time I can't get them to stay away from me; they are attracted to people that don't like them(that's just how it works). But this was the only cat that I've come across, other than my sister's little devil of a cat, that didn't like me. :( How sad to find out first of all that your beautiful daughter is now a cat, but on top of that, she doesn't even like you!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

35 Weeks

Wow! I can't believe that I'm already 35 weeks. It feels like I just found out yesterday! S.took this picture for me. I was standing there with a smile on my face for several minutes when I finally said just take the stupid picture. He was standing there just waiting to see how long I would stand there with a pasted smile on my face. Ain't he sweet?!
I washed everything for the baby today: sheets, clothes, towels, washcloths. Everything started out so small and it gets smaller when you wash it! Crazy! It's hard to imagine that in a just a matter of weeks we will be bringing home a little bundle that might even be too small for the clothes that we have. The baby's room is coming along. I put a couple dots on the wall tonight, but I need to paint some more of them still. I promise, once I get it all finished I will post pictures of the room. Right now there is a lot of green. The dots are all shades of brown, so it will look better once I'm done. I finally got my chair too. I have wanted a glidder rocker from K*M.a.r.t and gone in a few times to try and get it. Finally, I got someone to actually help me the other day and S. and I were able to bring it home. I've already sat in it a few times to read to the baby. :) I can't wait until I can hold the baby in my arms and read. We are so blessed!

Third Day and Jars of Clay

S. and I went to a concert last night. We got to see Jars of Clay first and the main show was Third Day. We both really enjoyed it. After the show was over, they all came out and sang a couple of songs together. It was their Christmas Offerings tour, but I thought that Jars of Clay would at least throw in some of their old songs...they didn't. Third Day had their hits sprinkled through their show, so that was nice. We can't decide if the baby really liked the music or really wanted it to stop. I was getting the snot kicked out of me most of the night, though.
It was such a great experience to be in a room filled with that many people worshiping God through these moving songs. We went with a group from our church. Yes, we did take the big "church van." Gary, our driver, thought he would be on top of things and get the directions off of the internet. The concert was at M*urray State University in K*entucky. I'm pretty sure that he printed off directions to the dean's house, not the school. We were back in some subdivision when our directions told us we were there. We ended up finding the place and making it there on time also. We really did have a great time.