"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I'm certain that this week's post is not nearly as graphic and disgusting icky as the last. But I will give you a head's up if it starts to go in that direction!

There is no way that I can't remember the last time I brushed my child's teeth. I brush them every night before I put her in bed. I've never sat rocking her thinking, "Dog gone it! I've forgotten again!" Whatever, for a long time she didn't even have teeth; don't judge me!

I am terrible at never sending a card or gift for a birthday/holiday/anniversary. I totally did not remember almost a month ahead of time to buy a birthday present for a friend's little girl...I need to take a moment and just soak that one in myself! (We'll just see at what point it ends up in the mail.)

I have a nerdy little accordion file in which I keep all of our bills/important paper work. Every now and then I go through it and pull out papers that no longer need to be "kept on file." I think I cleaned it out....oh....at least a month ago or possibly longer. It is so not piled here next to my right arm as I type because I haven't taken it out to shred it. Nope, I would never. I am very well organized and on top of things. (insert hysterical laughter here)

At the gas station (pahhhaaahhaaa) after pumping gas (aaahhhaaaha) I ran inside to pay for the gas (eeehhhehaaa) I'd just pumped. I did not decide that there was no one within a certain radius and that it was safe to fart toot fluff. I did not very quickly realize that there was a gentleman in the only direction that I hadn't looked sitting with his window down in his van. Fart?! Please, I'm a lady!

Well, from farting to filing, boogers to babies I feel as though you should all know me a bit more by now. It would make me feel better if you'd share something as well. Feel free to make your own post, or just click on the comment link below and tell me about what you didn't do this week. (You don't have to have a blog to be able to comment, just do so anonymously and type your name into the comment.) However, if you do have a blog you can take it one step further. Make your post and hop over to MckMama's blog by clicking here and join in the fun with hundreds of other women not willing to admit fault sharing stories of perfection from their week.


Anonymous said...

That would totally have been me! I would have let 'er rip and not noticed the guy right behind me!

Foursons said...

HA- I love the fluff!

Toby & Autumn-Rose said...

Kira - I love your "Not Me" mondays... I laugh at the them. Specially this one! HA! I don't think I have enough NOT ME moments yet! Yeah.... actually I do, I guess I am just not ready to share them yet! LOL

Tiffany said...

i did not put off nursing my child for an extra hour just to race all around the county to two different targets just to pick up the toy that i wanted for her birthday just because it was almost 50% off. i always feed my baby on time and on schedule.

i am sure the gentleman at the pumps just thought someone ran over the rumble strips...hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha seriously, i am laughing that hard!

Mrs. Frogster said...

haha enjoyed your things that of course you didn't do! cute blog - I'll have to come back again and visit!