"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, May 30, 2009

blah, blah, blah for blogger

Sadly, blogger isn't allowing me to load pictures the way that it normally does. This is just a taste of the photo session that we had with my aunt last week. I will keep trying to load the rest, but things aren't looking good for tonight.

Friday, May 29, 2009

swimming pool

The weather here has been awesome for the last couple of days. We decided to pull out the pool and fill it up for the kids today. A good time was had by all. Half Pint actually left her hat and flip flops on until nap time.

After viewing this photo, how many of you believe that I was whooping and hollering for the kids to look my direction?

Computer Viruses and Such

I really do have a good excuse for not posting in the last few days. Mom and dad's computer has a virus. :( Or at least that's what we think right now. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, I do not know how to fix computers, so dormant it remains until we figure out what to do with it. My grandmother recently purchased a laptop that she's not using. Fortunately she's been willing to let us use it for the time being. So here's new pictures for those of you going through withdrawals wanting to see how she's grown after having to go over one whole week without pictures. After my seizure/breath-holding update, little bit has decided to come a ton closer to passing out. I have to remind myself that the doctor said putting her on her back would greatly decrease her chances of having a seizure not the chances of passing out. I have finally decided: one episode=nap. Normally she doesn't get that upset if she's had a good nap or is fed on time 3 times a day with snacks in between. Unfortunately, sour attitudes with late feedings run in our family. I'm sure she gets that from her Auntie K, surely not me! After napping a feed option is then available. Aside from all that, our little princess is doing quite well.

Her hair gets longer by the minute. The other day I put all of her hair in two ponies. For those of you with boys, this is a big accomplishment...well, that makes it sound like something one of us did. hmm... Sadly, I did not capture that "accomplishment" on film, but I plan to put her hair up again tomorrow and I plan to take a picture. We'll see how that goes.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Not Me! Monday

A little late, but Monday nonetheless. Time for my weekly therapy.

Earlier in the week mom and I went into town. The baby was sleeping and we were hungry. We decided to eat the snacks we had brought along with us go through a drive thru. I did not order anything for my kiddo because I had already fed her before we left the house.
There is no way that I couldn't figure out what was inside of the tiny taquitos that I never ordered for my child. I would not try to feed my child something unrecognizable. Really, put it in my mouth, still have no idea what was in it. Blech!
It was not me that ended up taking my child to the health food store and buying her something she would actually eat. That would be a budget buster, and we are on a strict budget in this household. I would never buy two lunches simply because I couldn't decipher what the first lunch was, nope, not me!
I would never let my child run around without her diaper. I am not so cheap that I didn't want to put a diaper on her for less than 30 minutes before a bath. Budget. People. Budget. In my defense it was above 75 degrees outside and just that, outside.
In an effort to finish paying off our truck we are putting extra $$ every month toward that debt with "Gazelle Intensity." I would never take something like that to extremes and make an extra payment of $12.63. That would just be silly and obsessive. Really, would $12.63 make a difference?!
There's no way I would allow my nephews to eat from under the kid's table at our bible study small group the other day. As soon as I noticed such a thing I immediately put an end to that! Icky, icky. I did not allow them to clean up the floor just so I didn't have to, not me! I've never allowed my child to do the same thing. Nope, not me.
Now that I've "come clean," what have you got to share??

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

one year ago today...

OK, that's a lie it was more like 10 months ago. I just really wanted to post this picture. I came across it on mom and dad's computer. I know I always like to reminisce. How about you?

Update on Breath-holding

Little one seems to be doing very well lately in the fit throwing/breath-holding department. That can be interpreted in many different ways. She's getting really good and throwing fits complete with leg kicking, high-pitched screaming, and breath-holding. Fortunately, she has not so much as passed out since this horrible afternoon over a month ago. I haven't even had to use the squirt bottles from this post. The first time she held her breath after the seizure I was calm cool and collected freaking out. She rolled on the floor and bonked her head at our small group bible study one Sunday night and started to cry. (Let me just say, your first instinct as a mother is to pick up your child crying child to comfort them. Sadly, right now, that's not an option for us. I have to comfort as much as I can crouching over her until she has calmed enough to be held without a fear of breath-holding.) I quickly ran over to her and she soon turned purple. I almost pulled the lid off of her milk and poured it in her face. I did get very close to her face and blow (rather hard) twice, but that seemed to only make her worse. When I calmed down got out of her face, she calmed down and was able to breath again without passing out. Show of hands, how many of you praise your child for breathing? :) (That's a regular occurrence 'round these parts.) God has given me a peace, that no matter what happens, everything will be fine. Since that night she has had less than 5 episodes and all of them ended with a deep breath followed by more crying (not glazed eyes and disorientation). Praise God! I don't know how many of you have ever had to go through breath-holding this severe with your children, but it's not something I would classify as thrilling or even fun. Putting her flat on her back makes a world difference. If you deal with this or know someone that does, please tell them that when their child begins to hold their breath: LAY THEM ON THE FLOOR! Flat on their back and there their little body can get blood and oxygen to all of the right places efficiently. Now that we've figured out how to prevent passing out, any ideas on how to prevent all attitudes ugly and unbecoming of a little lady?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I'm certain that this week's post is not nearly as graphic and disgusting icky as the last. But I will give you a head's up if it starts to go in that direction!

There is no way that I can't remember the last time I brushed my child's teeth. I brush them every night before I put her in bed. I've never sat rocking her thinking, "Dog gone it! I've forgotten again!" Whatever, for a long time she didn't even have teeth; don't judge me!

I am terrible at never sending a card or gift for a birthday/holiday/anniversary. I totally did not remember almost a month ahead of time to buy a birthday present for a friend's little girl...I need to take a moment and just soak that one in myself! (We'll just see at what point it ends up in the mail.)

I have a nerdy little accordion file in which I keep all of our bills/important paper work. Every now and then I go through it and pull out papers that no longer need to be "kept on file." I think I cleaned it out....oh....at least a month ago or possibly longer. It is so not piled here next to my right arm as I type because I haven't taken it out to shred it. Nope, I would never. I am very well organized and on top of things. (insert hysterical laughter here)

At the gas station (pahhhaaahhaaa) after pumping gas (aaahhhaaaha) I ran inside to pay for the gas (eeehhhehaaa) I'd just pumped. I did not decide that there was no one within a certain radius and that it was safe to fart toot fluff. I did not very quickly realize that there was a gentleman in the only direction that I hadn't looked sitting with his window down in his van. Fart?! Please, I'm a lady!

Well, from farting to filing, boogers to babies I feel as though you should all know me a bit more by now. It would make me feel better if you'd share something as well. Feel free to make your own post, or just click on the comment link below and tell me about what you didn't do this week. (You don't have to have a blog to be able to comment, just do so anonymously and type your name into the comment.) However, if you do have a blog you can take it one step further. Make your post and hop over to MckMama's blog by clicking here and join in the fun with hundreds of other women not willing to admit fault sharing stories of perfection from their week.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Two of Us Willingly Photographed

My sis grabbed the camera and snapped some pics of the two of us. I don't really like getting my picture taken lately, but my hubby made a special request. Unfortunately, at this moment I do not believe the internet is working all that well for him. Fortunately, this will be ready and waiting for him when the internet does decide to work again.

Ready for Church

Check out those curls!

I'm not sure if it was just the dress, but she looks so grown up.

This is one for those of you that think she doesn't act up.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me! Monday (not for those with delicate stomachs)

If this is your first time viewing a Not Me! Monday post, hold on to your hat, this one might be a little icky you might want to click here to find all of the rules, then click here and join in the fun. MckMama started all of this and it's a blast! In a not-so-direct way, tell everyone the things you've done recently but wouldn't readily admit. If you see me face-to-face, I will deny all of this to the very end!

There is absolutely no way I pulled a piece of thread out of my child's derriere. My child is fed very well and does not need to turn to her favorite blanket for sustenance. Blech!! If that were the case there would be no one on Earth who could force me to type such a repugnant statement here.

I was trying to be of help around the house the other day. I had picked up the dining area and decided that the table appeared a little dirty and needed to be wiped down. I proceeded to pick up the rag out of the sink. The same rag that I had used moments earlier to wipe the face and hands of my child. A booger did not appear on the table after the first swipe of the cloth!! Sorry just typing that made me throw up a little in my mouth shiver.

My sis, my mom and I were sitting in the living room with my little one the other afternoon. My twin nephews were off playing around the corner as boys often do. (Silence always concerns a mother.) Sis walked around the corner and called for help. It was not for the fact that they had just "popped" the tops off of three P.edialax liquid suppositories and consumed them all within a 90 second time-frame. Nope. She just needed me to take my child out of her arms because her boys brought her said liquid suppositories unopened and told her they had been left out on the counter. (No worries- poison control said they'd be quite regular juuuussst fine.)

By the way, I would never have been the one to leave the suppositories in question out on the counter. With toddlers around, I understand just how important it is to have those sorts of things totally out of reach!

Wow, I really didn't intend on this post containing such unpleasantries! Your sharing doesn't have to be nearly as icky, but if that's the week you've had: What can ya do?!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ain't she cute?!

Call me crazy, but it's workin'!

If you have not heard of Dave Ramsey: Check. Him. Out. For the last 13 weeks (OK a few less than that, I missed the first 3 classes) I have been attending Financial Peace University (FPU). We are absolutely thrilled with what has been happening in our financial lives right now. Have we been making oodles more money?...nope! We have finally decided to take charge of our finances instead of letting them take charge of us. No matter what amount of money you or your family takes in per month, every penny can always be spent. It takes true discipline and focus to be able to pay down debts and save for your future. I really believe that FPU gives you the knowledge, tools, intensity and so much more to be able to take charge of your finances.

Both hubby and I have listened to Dave Ramsey since the beginning of our marriage; thinking he had wonderful ideas, but never focusing enough to do anything with our own finances. Living paycheck to paycheck and more by putting things on credit every now and then, I must admit that we have kept our debts down, not getting nearly into as big of a mess as most people our age. These past weeks have gotten me back on track being the main conductor of our financial orchestra...OK maybe it's more like the one man band on Mary Poppins than an orchestra, but that is not the point. I must admit, when I began working at W.ells F.argo a few years ago I slowly stopped keeping a check register and just hopped online everyday at work to find out what was in the account. After quiting, I kept the same habit; jumping onto the computer daily to see how much was left. As some of you may know this is not a great practice for several reasons. There will be checks that are written that may be forgotten or not cashed immediately after being written allowing you to believe there is more money. Simply keeping a register up to date makes me sleep lots better at night.

"Be diligent to know the state of your flock, and attend to your herds." Proverbs 27:23

I have also become a strong advocate for budgeting. A budget is something that we always thought needed to be done, but never ventured any further than writing out what comes in and goes out. I never knew where to start and always wondered if we had X amount after our "necessities". . . ."Where did it all go?" Since week 3 or 4 of our classes we have written a zero balance budget at the start of every month. Every dollar has a name. A tool that helps in keeping that budget is the envelope system. (cash envelopes for individual spending, gas, clothes, food, etc) Spending cash makes you feel like your actually spending money, where as swiping a card barely registers and you tend to spend 12-18% more when using plastic. An amount for each category is determined and that's all the money placed in the envelope. So far, so good. We have gone over in a couple of areas and under in others. Budgeting usually takes around 3 months to perfect, so next month should be about right.

"May he give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed." Psalm 20:4

If you sit down and figure out how much money you have leaving your accounts simply to pay back debt, that figure can sometimes be breath-taking. We live in a culture that says, you deserve it. Well I have figured out in taking FPU that if we can't afford it, we don't deserve it. If we can't afford the payments for it to pay cash for it, we don't get it. That is a hard thing to learn lately. Telling ourselves "no" now, so once we are out of debt, able to give more, fund our retirement and kids' college we can tell ourselves "yes" more often. Since January 1st of this year we have begun to pay down our debts. If we keep going in the same direction as of late, we will be out of debt before the end of the year. What an exciting thing to say type!

"Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8

I hope this in some way encourages you to take charge of the money that passes through your account. I know from experience, it's freeing!

"In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has." Proverbs 21:20

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feeling Better

Until last week, I didn't know that croup was a real virus. I thought that's what old ladies said when kids had bad coughs. For those of you that were like me...it really does exist! Little bit went to bed a little crab the other night and woke up a big crab. She had a pretty high fever and
wheezing when she would inhale. The wheezing worried my mother and me enough that I decided to take her in to see the doctor. Sure enough, when we got to the doc her oxygen saturation was at 58% (for those of you medically inclined the monitor was placed on her just after they checked her temp in her ear, not very happy! have I mentioned she likes to hold her breath when she's ticked?) and this worried me a bit, but it went up and sat around the low 90's for the rest of the visit once she calmed down. She was having a hard time getting her breaths in, though. He said that the wheezing tells you that it is croup which (in regular people terms) means that her throat was inflamed. He gave me a steroid, advice to live by for the next few days and sent us home. She's did pretty well, if you don't count the almost 10 times that she held her breath! I simply put her flat on her back on the floor and she didn't so much as pass out! Wahoo! Very encouraging, however, still scares the snot out of me. After a few days of being very clingy and taking lots of naps (thanks, Lord) she's doing much better today. Still a little wheezing, but no fever and able to play. I was able to capture a few photos this afternoon playing outside with the boys. Enjoy!

Good observation! This one wasn't outside, but the rest...

Not Me! Monday

It's that time again. Where I make public the actions that very well should be kept quiet!

This week I most certainly did not get SUPER excited when MckMama mentioned me in one of her posts. I have not shown everyone in the house and those that walk through the front door the post that mentioned my blog. That would be a little obsessive of me. If I had, it would only be because she's like...famous...she's been on TV! The local news at 6 and 10, but TV nonetheless. (there were 1285 comments and I was one of 15 she chose, I'm just sayin')

I did not get frustrated when my wee one threw everything on the floor that I put in front of her these last few days. I understand she really wasn't feeling well and went swiftly to the broom and swept up every last crumb pleasantly. I never would have grumbled and just let it sit until mom's four legged h.oover came back into the house. Nope, not me!

I also never would have let my mother feed my sick child M & M's this weekend. No way! She was sick and that's the last thing she needs. I fed her three all-organic delicious meals and several small snacks every day that she thoroughly enjoyed!

I heard my mother come down the stairs while little bit and I were napping. Unfortunately mom's insane chocolate lab woke my child and myself up bounding across the floor above us. I did not lie there hoping that my mother would hear my child's cries and come to get her out of bed for me. Nap, I don't nap! I was ready and waiting for her to awaken while mopping floors, washing dishes and accomplishing all of the days chores before 10 am. Proverbs 31 wife: that's me!

Feel free to hop over to MckMama's blog and join in the fun today. Praise God that her son is well enough to be back at home with his family! Also making it possible for MckMama to resume the Not Me! Monday fun. What have you been busy not doing? I would love to hear about it! Especially those of you who never comment, but always read...you know who you are. :)