It's BAAACK!! I love doing "Not Me! Monday" posts, but through the holidays things were so crazy that I got behind in just about every aspect of my life. Well, in getting to our "new" normal I have some things I must admit in sarcastic fashion, of course. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy! And when you are done feeling pity for me because you've done the same things laughing at me, head over to MckMama's blog carnival and laugh at plenty of others willing to admit their faults and shortcomings as well.
Let me start by saying that the "Mother of the Year" award is on its way to my house! So stop checking your mailbox, ya ain't gettin' it! I will be receiving it for my remembering to feed my child three times a day. Last Thursday I SO did not forget to feed my child dinner. I realized well before someone sent me a text message, about grabbing me something for dinner, that my child needed to eat and fed her in a timely fashion. Had I forgotten to feed her, I'm sure that she would have screamed the whole way home and that would just be terrible!
I have been doing a lot of "couponing" (can I turn that into a verb?) and find lots of deals at K.roger. I went there last week to cash in on a deal: buy 10 participating items and get $3 back at the register. I planned out most of the 10 items I was going to get and was sure I'd be able to find something on sale that would help me to reach 10 items. I did not end up going to get Golden O.reos from the cookie isle through which I did not browse 15 times glancing at said O.reos. That would have defeated the whole purpose since the O.reos were around $3 anyway! I just took my nine items up to the register without receiving the $3 off of my transaction. O.reos are bad for you anyway.
I took this in the grocery store; my kitchen table is not the back-drop for this photo.
And just FYI my above mentioned "MOY" award, it's not just for being a spectacular mother to my child...I'm also the best mother to my four-legged companions. I made their dinner on the stove Thursday night. I did it because I love them so and want them to have the most nutritious meals. I did not do it because I had forgotten to buy them dog food and fed them the last LITTLE bit of food the night before. That would be neglectful and then P.ETA would be knocking on my door it that was the case!
I chose to start on my taxes the other night, doing them myself online. I did not stop mid-way frightened that the I.RS would come an arrest me if I answered a question wrong. That would be silly, I'm sure they are very understanding and would never do such a thing, right?
Those are the only silly things that I've done this week, I'm sure of it. Check back next week, I'm sure there will be more perfection to report! Feel free to head over to MckMama's Not Me! Monday post to read about her blemish-free week and the week for others as well.
Found you through MckMama. Cute blog and cute kiddos!
I do my own taxes and I am so NOT scared that the IRS will come put me in jail for's hard keeping all that stuff straight! I've never had to cook my dogs dinner either.
I'm reporting you to PETA!!! LOL! This is too funny! A little tax advice - if you have to write Uncle Sam a check, apparently he wants to know the SSN of "taxpayer"; if you put the SSN of the "spouse," on the check, he will send you a bill months later saying you didn't pay! GOSH! Apparently as a spouse, you aren't a taxpayer??!!
You would think you had been listening to Uncle Lonny about the IRS :)
And you can stop waiting on the MOTY award, it arrived in my box today!
Great... I am so happy you had time to write this - I know with you being the MOTY and all - I am honored you have time to be my friend.
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