"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

That recipe makes how many cookies??

I am making cookies for my hubby. His birthday is in a few days, so I thought I could make him a treat. Only problem, I'm trying to practice self-control especially in my eating habits. My child stopped n.ursing 3+ months ago and I'm still eating like she hasn't! As I was mixing up the cookies I told myself that I can't even have a taste. (Ya give a mouse a cookie....) I was proud of not even licking the beaters/spoon/bowl. I didn't even lick my fingers with humongous teeny amounts of dough that happen to get on them while mixing/spooning out the cookies. I will be putting a few in the freezer to enjoy on Sunday(my "free" day.) What shocks me: this recipe that I have made many, many times makes a whopping 54 cookies! Who knew?!

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