"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I bought a whole chicken last week. This will be the first time I've ever cooked a whole chicken. It was not me that almost gagged when pulling all of the "innards" out. That must have been my daughter, I don't have a weak stomach when it comes to.... anything!

I got the chicken all ready and realized I only had a tiny amount of margarita mix in which I was going to cook the chicken. I thought I would run into the g.rocery store quickly after meeting some friends for coffee. I did not decide to take my child into the grocery store with wet clothes...that never happens to us. And if it did I would never take her anywhere in that state! I change her diaper very frequently and we never get to the point that pee would be on my jacket and pants just from carrying her. Never, not me!

I've started with baby steps to get back into shape. I'm starting with Eating for Life at this moment since I'm not sure about my gym situation with having a baby and all (childcare can be a headache). I've chosen Sunday to be my "free" day. Meaning I can eat whatever and however much I would like of it! I was not the one to go over board drinking almost a gallon of D.r P.epper and eating fast food twice and possibly an entire box of girl scout cookies. I don't know what glutton would do such a thing; I'm sure they'd be dying today...NOT ME!

I had a meeting the other night. When I walked in the door, I picked up a water bottle. I ended up taking only a couple of sips and put it into my purse as I was leaving. I did not get out to the car a mere 3 minutes after having put the bottle of water into my purse and wish that I had filled my child's bottle with water while I was in the meeting. It wasn't me that proceeded to drive to the gas station, throw my child on my hip, go in and purchase a bottle of water. It was not until I got out to the car that I realized I had reached into the same purse that housed the bottle of water to grab my wallet and pay for a new bottle of water! That would be absolutely ridiculous and was definitely not me!

I had to pick up some random items at the grocery store the other day. Hot dogs were on that list of random items. I handed them to my child thinking, "There's no way she can hurt these." I did not see her eating through the package breaking the seal on them and spilling hot dog "juice" all over her cart seat cover. Yuck! I always remember to feed my child on time, therefore, deterring said behavior.

I took the time the other day to have my child and myself color a page for her daddy
It is not still sitting in my car waiting to me mailed. I'm very good at getting things done with plenty of time to spare. (OK, so that's a bit of a stretch) With that being said, I know that I'm not the only perfect mother out there. There must be at least a few others. Post and tell me about them, or head over to MckMama's blog carnival and laugh at others' misfortunes! :)


Tanya said...

I've never taken my daughter anywhere with not entirely dry attire either.

Anonymous said...

Hot dog juice EWWW!! Haha...you are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Your not alone on the hotdogs. Caleb has done that to me a few times. You think I would learn the first time?? Now I ride Kyle in a stroller at the grocery and push the cart. Yes people do look at me like I am nuts and ask me if I need help!!
