"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

So often we get caught up in trying to make things look better than they are, make it look like we don't make mistakes. Admitting that we fall short of those unattainable goals has a therapeutic effect. MckMama created a place to "get together" and to see how others don't have it all together like we think they do!

This week there is no way you saw me drive to get fried chicken strips after church at 8pm. Nope, not me! I always go straight from church to my house to put my child to bed. Remember the Mother of the Year award?!

I did not clean out my husband's old truck in front of the house today in hopes that it would make it more appealing to a thief. That would be terrible! I hate that truck with passion love that truck just as much as my husband loves it. I did not find so many random things in the bed of that old truck. (a wide array of items from an axe to a life jacket) We don't live like rednecks. We don't even own a rusted truck older than myself. Nope, not us!

I went to R.ite Aid today to get a couple of deals. One being: buy 10 S.oy Joy bars for $5 with a $5 rebate, making them free + 2 buy one get one free coupons=$1 profit! I went back and told her that she had only charged me for 9 bars. I totally did that because I'm a God-fearing woman and DO NOT believe in stealing. It definitely was not because I knew I would then not qualify for the $5 rebate if they see that I only purchased 9 bars! Nope, not me!

I had to make an appointment with the "bug guy" for today. We have a serious lady bug problem. Who knew that they were protected? Then, I asked him if you only have 1 of a nasty roach certain small bug if that could be it, or if there could be more. I was not able to show him that certain small bug on my stairs that I had killed a couple of days before. No way! It was really hard to describe what it looked like because I had thrown it in the trash immediately upon kill. YUCK! Man, no wonder my child has a high protein intake! It will be me vacuuming tomorrow, I'll tell ya that much.

What perfect accomplishments do you have for this week? Do share!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

That recipe makes how many cookies??

I am making cookies for my hubby. His birthday is in a few days, so I thought I could make him a treat. Only problem, I'm trying to practice self-control especially in my eating habits. My child stopped n.ursing 3+ months ago and I'm still eating like she hasn't! As I was mixing up the cookies I told myself that I can't even have a taste. (Ya give a mouse a cookie....) I was proud of not even licking the beaters/spoon/bowl. I didn't even lick my fingers with humongous teeny amounts of dough that happen to get on them while mixing/spooning out the cookies. I will be putting a few in the freezer to enjoy on Sunday(my "free" day.) What shocks me: this recipe that I have made many, many times makes a whopping 54 cookies! Who knew?!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I bought a whole chicken last week. This will be the first time I've ever cooked a whole chicken. It was not me that almost gagged when pulling all of the "innards" out. That must have been my daughter, I don't have a weak stomach when it comes to.... anything!

I got the chicken all ready and realized I only had a tiny amount of margarita mix in which I was going to cook the chicken. I thought I would run into the g.rocery store quickly after meeting some friends for coffee. I did not decide to take my child into the grocery store with wet clothes...that never happens to us. And if it did I would never take her anywhere in that state! I change her diaper very frequently and we never get to the point that pee would be on my jacket and pants just from carrying her. Never, not me!

I've started with baby steps to get back into shape. I'm starting with Eating for Life at this moment since I'm not sure about my gym situation with having a baby and all (childcare can be a headache). I've chosen Sunday to be my "free" day. Meaning I can eat whatever and however much I would like of it! I was not the one to go over board drinking almost a gallon of D.r P.epper and eating fast food twice and possibly an entire box of girl scout cookies. I don't know what glutton would do such a thing; I'm sure they'd be dying today...NOT ME!

I had a meeting the other night. When I walked in the door, I picked up a water bottle. I ended up taking only a couple of sips and put it into my purse as I was leaving. I did not get out to the car a mere 3 minutes after having put the bottle of water into my purse and wish that I had filled my child's bottle with water while I was in the meeting. It wasn't me that proceeded to drive to the gas station, throw my child on my hip, go in and purchase a bottle of water. It was not until I got out to the car that I realized I had reached into the same purse that housed the bottle of water to grab my wallet and pay for a new bottle of water! That would be absolutely ridiculous and was definitely not me!

I had to pick up some random items at the grocery store the other day. Hot dogs were on that list of random items. I handed them to my child thinking, "There's no way she can hurt these." I did not see her eating through the package breaking the seal on them and spilling hot dog "juice" all over her cart seat cover. Yuck! I always remember to feed my child on time, therefore, deterring said behavior.

I took the time the other day to have my child and myself color a page for her daddy
It is not still sitting in my car waiting to me mailed. I'm very good at getting things done with plenty of time to spare. (OK, so that's a bit of a stretch) With that being said, I know that I'm not the only perfect mother out there. There must be at least a few others. Post and tell me about them, or head over to MckMama's blog carnival and laugh at others' misfortunes! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jam Session

My hubby has tried several times to get her to sing into this silly microphone. The dancing is just a bonus! By the way, we were at church today (I was watching the kiddos) and all of the sudden the CD player comes on and she's right in front of it jammin' out. I wish I'd had the camera then. I have no idea how she figured out how to get it on AND start the CD. She's just brilliant! hahaha

The dirty look is for you, babe! She's been practicing. Obviously, she doesn't like to be given orders. She's still terrified of being on her own two feet without assistance. She can stand on her own, but when she realizes it, she squats and falls. If you notice she braces herself on her elbows to clap! The box is from her car seat, she took her teapot and a couple of toys in there, so it stayed around for a couple of days.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I try, I really do!

I had coffee with a couple of ladies today; their husbands work with mine. I had not met either one of them before. On the way to coffee, I prayed. I asked for the Lord to help me to make a good impression, to think before I spoke, and be a good representation of my husband. I left the coffee house thinking that I had done a pretty good job and made a good first impression. Then I look in my rear-view mirror to back out of my parking spot, and I saw it. A booger hangin'! It's always something.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's BAAACK!! I love doing "Not Me! Monday" posts, but through the holidays things were so crazy that I got behind in just about every aspect of my life. Well, in getting to our "new" normal I have some things I must admit in sarcastic fashion, of course. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy! And when you are done feeling pity for me because you've done the same things laughing at me, head over to MckMama's blog carnival and laugh at plenty of others willing to admit their faults and shortcomings as well.

Let me start by saying that the "Mother of the Year" award is on its way to my house! So stop checking your mailbox, ya ain't gettin' it! I will be receiving it for my remembering to feed my child three times a day. Last Thursday I SO did not forget to feed my child dinner. I realized well before someone sent me a text message, about grabbing me something for dinner, that my child needed to eat and fed her in a timely fashion. Had I forgotten to feed her, I'm sure that she would have screamed the whole way home and that would just be terrible!

I have been doing a lot of "couponing" (can I turn that into a verb?) and find lots of deals at K.roger. I went there last week to cash in on a deal: buy 10 participating items and get $3 back at the register. I planned out most of the 10 items I was going to get and was sure I'd be able to find something on sale that would help me to reach 10 items. I did not end up going to get Golden O.reos from the cookie isle through which I did not browse 15 times glancing at said O.reos. That would have defeated the whole purpose since the O.reos were around $3 anyway! I just took my nine items up to the register without receiving the $3 off of my transaction. O.reos are bad for you anyway.

I took this in the grocery store; my kitchen table is not the back-drop for this photo.

And just FYI my above mentioned "MOY" award, it's not just for being a spectacular mother to my child...I'm also the best mother to my four-legged companions. I made their dinner on the stove Thursday night. I did it because I love them so and want them to have the most nutritious meals. I did not do it because I had forgotten to buy them dog food and fed them the last LITTLE bit of food the night before. That would be neglectful and then P.ETA would be knocking on my door it that was the case!

I chose to start on my taxes the other night, doing them myself online. I did not stop mid-way frightened that the I.RS would come an arrest me if I answered a question wrong. That would be silly, I'm sure they are very understanding and would never do such a thing, right?

Those are the only silly things that I've done this week, I'm sure of it. Check back next week, I'm sure there will be more perfection to report! Feel free to head over to MckMama's Not Me! Monday post to read about her blemish-free week and the week for others as well.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tea Time!

Enjoying "dessert."

Ready to pour another cup.

She got this tea set for her first birthday. She loves it! The tea pot sings and talks and A dances whenever the songs play.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Using her fork, kinda.

We have tried utensils recently. She knows it's supposed to get to her mouth, but can't quite figure out why there's never anything on it. We're working on it!

Her hands just seem to do the trick! Oh well!

I would like to say, she won't go to kindergarten still eating with her hands, but who am I kidding?! This is my husband's child we're talking about here!

Playing in the Dishwasher

I don't know why we spend money on toys, she just plays in the dishwasher anyway! Her little jammies were soaked, but she was occupied while I finished picking up the kitchen. Don't worry, this time the dishes were clean. No mashed potatoes here!