"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, November 10, 2008

Not Me! Monday

I'm sure I've mentioned MckMama who started this fun carnival. You can click here to see her story and also see what plenty of other mom's are not doing!

I just got off the phone with my husband. I did not put him on a guilt trip when he mentioned camping out another night! I love for him to be away and it is worth it for him to put meat in our freezer.

I did not wipe my child's nose with my fingers in the store today and wipe it on the inside of my pocket...with someone watching me! I would never do anything like that...how gross! And I would NEVER do that with anyone looking at me!

I got so much done at home today. I completed my to do list: shampooing carpets, doing dishes, tackling the clothes monster, just to name a few. It wasn't me that you saw having coffee this morning with a friend and then meeting another friend out for coffee. Nope, not me!

And I'm not the one currently adding to the ratings of the Anti.ques Road.show. You have to be at least 60 to be interested in that show...and that really is not me! :)


Kim Hodges said...

These are SO funny!

Kim Hodges said...

Oh, and I so did NOT back into my friend's car this morning. How irresponsible!

Tiffany said...

i watch "that show" too...and i am a lot younger than 60...until it hits 8:00 pm and then i feel 60 :)