"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just thought I'd share some pictures of my gorgeous little girl. This was in the back yard of our "old" house. (Still feels like we're going to leave any day now and go back to it....guess that's not going to happen.)
We had to leave church early tonight to come home and get to bed. Thankfully the house is about 3 blocks from the church building. She was just getting a little too excitable and I was nervous to see what would happen if we'd stayed. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of her still. I'm doing better just not quite able to let my guard down yet. I'm really missing being in class tonight, but that's the price I sometimes have to pay for being a mother...and I'm totally alright with that.
This little girl has started talking sooo much. She will talk your ear off if you will let her. The other day I'd asked her for a kiss and acted sad when she told me, "no." I pursued a kiss yet another time and she put her hand in my face and said to me, "No. Go cry!" I must admit I was saddened by this. I can only hope she will have the same gusto when presented with the same situation at 18 years of age.
Before we left Tennessee we were driving to a friend's house to drop her off whist we packed the house. She had a spray bottle with water in it and was spraying it in her car seat. I turned around to tell her to stop. Her response was, "Mommy, close-it eyes. Lay down." I told her that I wasn't going to close my eyes nor lay down and she needed to stop. Then she raised her hand, pointed out the window and shouted, "Look!! Moose!" How might you have responded to that one?

Yesterday we were in the car going into town and she says "Let's go! Train's leavin'."
At church when we first got here, there was a deer in the parking lot as we were leaving. It was brought to her attention by mom or dad. When she finally spotted the small buck she simply states, "Look at that. A reindeer."
Some days, I don't know what to do with her cute-ness.

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