"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Praise The Lord (even for the small stuff)

I was just looking back on my posts and realized I hadn't included the following blurb from one of our mornings and I want to make sure I don't forget it.

I went in to get Half Pint when she woke up. I asked if she wanted eggs and toast for breakfast. To which she replied, "Umm....I wann poptarts an' milk."

"I'm pretty sure we can do that," I said.

"Paise a Lord!!" she emphatically exclaimed with both hands raised high.

What a great lesson to be learned! Even when the smallest of things go my way, let me always remember to praise Him.

Have I mentioned how much I love this kid?!

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6

Friday, February 19, 2010

Flashback Friday

This little girl changes so much every day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a simple prayer

"Dea God,
Thank you coffees
Thank you Bots
Thank you Mimi

Sunday, February 14, 2010

one year ago

One year ago today we were driving home from the hospital. We had just finished up the (hands down) worst 48 hours of my life. Riding in the ambulance that day was horrible. I had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen.

I remember the whole thing all too clearly.

I remember holding her (still) seizing little body until her little lungs had gotten too tired to keep working.

I remember laying her down so they could breath for her.

I remember holding my hands under her shoulders, cradling her head and telling her to "take big girl breaths for mommy."
I remember them cutting of the bright pink shirt she'd been wearing all day.

I remember trying to figure out how I would tell her daddy (in Iraq at the time) that she hadn't made it. All the while, praying that God would spare her.

I remember trying to compose myself for my little girl, but in complete panic on the inside.
I remember being so glad to see her bright blue eyes open again and the smallest of smiles on her face.

I'm so glad that we've come so far. Our gorgeous girl turned two in January and has been doing very well. We still struggle with fits, (my) fear, and breath-holding. We take each day as it comes and thank the Lord for every one of them. I love this girl and cannot wait to see the plans that God has in store for her.

drinkin' coffee

The other day the coffee pot sounded and Little Bit shouts "Praise the Lord!"

Guess that tells a little about what the drink of choice is around this house!

She asked for some coffee the other day (no worries, she's never really had any) and I heated water and made her some apple cider.

This may be a new favorite.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just thought I'd share some pictures of my gorgeous little girl. This was in the back yard of our "old" house. (Still feels like we're going to leave any day now and go back to it....guess that's not going to happen.)
We had to leave church early tonight to come home and get to bed. Thankfully the house is about 3 blocks from the church building. She was just getting a little too excitable and I was nervous to see what would happen if we'd stayed. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of her still. I'm doing better just not quite able to let my guard down yet. I'm really missing being in class tonight, but that's the price I sometimes have to pay for being a mother...and I'm totally alright with that.
This little girl has started talking sooo much. She will talk your ear off if you will let her. The other day I'd asked her for a kiss and acted sad when she told me, "no." I pursued a kiss yet another time and she put her hand in my face and said to me, "No. Go cry!" I must admit I was saddened by this. I can only hope she will have the same gusto when presented with the same situation at 18 years of age.
Before we left Tennessee we were driving to a friend's house to drop her off whist we packed the house. She had a spray bottle with water in it and was spraying it in her car seat. I turned around to tell her to stop. Her response was, "Mommy, close-it eyes. Lay down." I told her that I wasn't going to close my eyes nor lay down and she needed to stop. Then she raised her hand, pointed out the window and shouted, "Look!! Moose!" How might you have responded to that one?

Yesterday we were in the car going into town and she says "Let's go! Train's leavin'."
At church when we first got here, there was a deer in the parking lot as we were leaving. It was brought to her attention by mom or dad. When she finally spotted the small buck she simply states, "Look at that. A reindeer."
Some days, I don't know what to do with her cute-ness.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

ten things

1: I really should be in bed, but I'm waiting for my husband to call me back. His phone died and I'm sure he knows just where his charger is located.

2: I need to get in touch with a Hypnobirthing teacher in the area. My sister recently used this method in childbirth and I saw a notable difference in her ability to relax when she applied the technique.

3: Half Pint is trying her hardest to potty train herself. She does really well in spurts. I've decided not to push. I'm hoping if she does it on her own we'll have less of a chance of regression when the new baby arrives.

4: I've become quite fond of my morning coffee and pop tarts. Hey...they aren't that bad. They are organic, you know.

5: Video monitors are the best invention ever! I could sit and watch my little one sleep for hours on end.

6: I need to start re-portioning my meals as I'm quickly running out of space and had to stand for most of bible class this evening just to feel as though I was not going to rupture.

7: Is thinking the decision between new jewelry and a new S.onicare toothbrush (purchased with my "fun" money, of course) should not be this difficult. What a dork.

8: I really am trying to blog every couple of days. However, I'm finding it difficult to come up with content. This might be the reason for this totally random post.

9: I'm really hoping that we can go into town very soon in order to get more of those wonderful pop tarts.

10: I really don't think he can find his charger, so I might as well just head to bed...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I cannot believe she's two!

Yes, this is a bit late as her birthday was just over two weeks ago. However, we were packing the house all day on her birthday and she spent the whole day with friends of ours. I felt a tad bit of guilt and decided that I would have a little party for her once we arrived to mom and dad's house.

I love this little girl!

(This is her telling everyone, "I'm two!" with one finger on each hand. Putting up two on one hand is rather difficult, you know.)

Everything went very nicely.

That is, until the gifts started to come out.
Hubby and I got her a shopping cart with little grocery items in it.

She loved it!

So glad, but she loved it so much that she didn't want anyone to touch it. She spent all of her time and energy trying to keep everyone away from that cart.

I opened her gifts for her and tried to make them look more appetizing than the cart...

...didn't work out so well.

Is it rude to wait an open the gifts after everyone has gone home?

Not Me! Monday Whatever Day I Want

I thought of these yesterday, that's gotta count for something.

I was helping my mother prepare dinner for women's bible study last night. In an attempt to get more accomplished I had given Little Bit a bowl and she was "creating" with the salt and pepper shakers. I certainly did not allow her to eat her "creation" especially after she'd added sugar to the mix. There's no reason for a child to eat salt, pepper, and sugar out of a bowl...yuck! (She did eat more of her carrots and chicken than her granulated concoction.)

Some days with a two year old are just no fun. However, my two year old can sometimes be quite strong-willed. I've got a grasp on how to handle her. It was not me that had at least 30 minute time-out battle with her yesterday. She sat right in her chair when I asked and said "sorry" immediately after the "beeps." hmm....must have been my mother at which Little Bit was screaming, and throwing the wooden time-out chair against the wall. Nope, not me! I've got a grasp on how to handle her, remember?

Last night, after bible study, I noticed a little pink car seat with Pez, peanuts, and a few pennies nestled inside. I had a little giggle. It would never have been me to say "When I have kids, I'll never throw food and snacks at them just to keep them content in their car seat for a short car ride." (I was such a good mother, before I actually became one.)