"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Now for the only reason most of you check my blog:

If you haven't done so already, check out the blog that started it all.

My little girl has a pretty good appetite and will eat just about anything. It was not me that allowed her to eat a piece of dog food. That would just be icky. There's no way I'd expect my child not to like it and spit it out. I guess we now know that she will eat anything.
I went running the other day. It was not only the third or fourth time since the baby was born. Nope, I have run every day since the day I ran a half marathon at one month pregnant. It's not me that you saw huffing and puffing after having run 3 blocks, nope, wasn't me!

That person you saw huffing and puffing was the one that stopped off at her mom's house and ate a donut just after her run, not me. I always eat very healthy, especially after a good run. I would never ruin that run by such an unhealthy breakfast.

There might be some out there that would consider me graceful. As far as mobility goes, that might be a stretch! While sitting down stairs with my mom the phone rang. I "jumped" up to answer the phone. There is no way that my feet were trapped in my pants. Therefore, I did not fall flat on my face with my foot still in my hand trying to free my foot from my pants. Not me! Graceful I tell you, graceful! And just a note, the phone only rang once....

With watching our spending, I know how much we pay for just about everything. I've gotten (name brand) diapers for around $0.22 per diaper. The other day I was 30 minutes from putting A in the bath, and her diaper was soiled. I went downstairs and got a new diaper and put it on her for that half hour before her bath. There's no way I'd let my child run around outside without a diaper on for that long. I'm not that cheap, not me!

My poor child has some b.owel issues. If I don't pay close attention to what my child eats, she has rather large b.owel m.ovements. Unfortunately, with being away from the house all day for the last couple of days, her diet has not been the best. There is no way that I told my brother-in-law to "look 'fore I flush it." That's just.....redneck! Never, not me! (maybe it was the dog food.) Blech!

Now that I totally put my relationship with my child on the line (for a few reasons), maybe you should share something from your week. You know, that something that made you think, "No one's ever done this before and there's no way I could tell anyone that just happened." I'm proof that chances are it has happened to me. Or no matter how bad you think your story is, I've got something gross-er or more embarrassing. Please share! I won't tell!


the mom said...

great NMM post!

Tiffany said...

i will have to tell you -- i can totally visualize the phone tripping thing. oh my - i cannot wait until you guys come visit again!!!!!!! we are going to the pool for sure - that was a random thought we are not going to the pool b/c you are "graceful" just b/c it will be fun!

Kim Hodges said...

And similarly, I did NOT take the dry Pull-Up off of my child to have her run around naked in the sprinklers so that we wouldn't ruin ANOTHER Pull-Up. I put her in an extra-expensive swim diaper, put on her cute little swim suit, put sunscreen on her and fixed her hair in two French braids for that 23 1/2 minutes of sprinkler time.

Then I did NOT proceed to hose her off with the freezing garden hose water. Instead I loving wrapped her muddy body in a towel and set her take a nice warm shower inside.
