"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I don't want my Not Me! Monday posts to be the only posts on here. I read Kim's blog and she said, "consider yourself tagged." So here goes:

1. Where was I 10 years ago?
In October of 1998 I was in 8th grade in Colorado Springs. This was the month we found out my grandmother had cancer, not the best time of my life. A time full of laughter, tears, hope, heartache, surgeries, healing. I also desperately wanted a relationship with someone my parents told me to stay away from. Looking back, mom really is always right!

2. What was on my to-do list today?
~stay out of the rain: check
~make chocolate chip cookies: check
~clean house: is there such thing as a half of a check?
~laundry: still looking for the half check mark
~make grocery list for tomorrow: check
~attend women's bible study: check
~calm child after falling over and smacking her nose on the coffee table: check wait....not sure that was actually on the list for the day...
~stay in PJs until 30 minutes before bible study: check, that really wasn't planned, I promise!

3. What would I do if I were a billionaire?
Buy that full tank of gas I've been wanting for a long time!

4. Five places I have lived...
~Colorado Springs, CO
~Anchorage, AK
~Bad Windsheim, Germany
~Enterprise, AL
~Wichita, KS (hey...three weeks counts!)

5. Bad habits...
~checking my email/blog too much
~not sticking to our budget

In the words of Kim, consider yourself tagged!

1 comment:

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

10 years does not seem possible! She sure would have loved all these little babes:) I'd like to think she met them before we did:)