"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Festival

I ran around the house like a crazy woman looking for my camera to bring along to the fall festival. Could not find it. Of course, I walk back into the house and there it is...right on top of the book case where I never leave it! Oh well...I got this one shot with my phone of the pumpkin cupcake that I made for the cake walk. I think I have a pride issue. It didn't last very long on the table, and I asked the lady that got it if I could show a couple of people. I thought it turned out pretty cute. I'm not sure if people didn't understand that you should bring cake for a cake-walk; there sure were a lot of (store bought) cookies there! :) A. wore her shirt from Gramma Kathy...super cute, didn't have the camera, remember. She'll wear it again before the season is over; I'll be sure to snap a picture or two.

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