"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, March 15, 2010

"fly copper"

We went with dad to do his check ride. Mainly because nearby is the only Chili's in the state...well....there might be one other, but this was a perfect opportunity. We went and did a little shopping whilst he was flying and then came back just in time for him to land and give Little Bit some time in the cockpit. Then hit Chili's and soon headed for home.

There is a small airplane that sits next to the helicopter in the hangar. She asked if she could fly it and my mom told her that it was broken. To which she replied, "I fix it." I asked her how she was going to tackle that, and she said, "You help me?" Umm...nope, sorry kiddo!

"Ride copper?!"

Mimi and Half Pint watching Botz land in front of the hangar.

Not sure just where this face came from. Who am I kidding?! She's my child.


Tiffany said...

i would be lying if i said i was not disappointed to find out you are not a mcgyver type mommy -- it is only a plane. :) all you need is duct tape and a paper clip. adorable pictures and your mom's glasses are fabulous.

Unknown said...

Tiffany is right, love Mimi's glasses!

Michele said...

Did you have the volcano for the desert? I wish I could have been there if you did. No Chili's on this island... maybe not on any of them.