"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Friday Night

Now, if you would have asked me 5 years ago what I would be doing tonight....I never would have said spraying wasp nests and pulling weeds on a Friday night! I love it, though. I feel like such a nerd, but I love going out after I put the baby to bed and pulling weeds and dead heads in my flower beds. I am a little nervous that one of these times I'm going to reach in for a dead head and grab a spider or cricket! My how the times have changed.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes - even without a child, my Friday nights have changed DRASTICALLY as well! Tonight, cutting watermelon (while eating half of it), cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry were my highlights...

Anonymous said...

Kara, I LOVE your blog spot! Those pictures of before and after of your yard is AWESOME! You did a lot of work! Thanks for sending me this link and I will put it in my favorites. I just love that little girl of yours... and you too ;-)

Kim Hodges said...

Feel free to come to my house and pull weeds and kill wasps. We're usually home on Friday nights doing laundry!