"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, April 4, 2008

Baby Update

Just before what mom thought was her appointment, we were just a day early!

Just before the appointment on the correct day! :)

I took A. to the doctor on Tuesday for her 2 month check-up. She said everything is great. She had to get two shots. I only wanted 2 shots in her little system at a time, so I'm going to have to take her back next week for one more shot. I opted out of the kennel cough shot or whatever they give them for going to daycare....why would she need it?!

Our little beauty weighs in at a whopping 13 pounds 3 ounces and a total of 24.5 inches long! She's gonna be a volleyball player! She's doing great and starting to talk to us a lot. It's so fun to watch her get all worked up and squirm and flop around to make one little squeak. She's started to vocalize a ton and we're loving it! We bought a ticket yesterday to go to N.e.w O.r.l.e.a.n.s to see Sean's family and be there for Courtney and Joe's wedding. We are so excited! Exited for a wedding and for A. to get to meet the whole gang. See you guys in a few days!


The Turcotte's said...

She is getting so big and beautiful!! I can't wait to see you guys again!! I Love you! Kiss the baby for us!!

Anonymous said...

I love the new background...how did you get a custom one?? Still trying to figure out this whole blogspot thing..!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited! Can't wait to see you guys!

Love Ya!

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

I'm thinking the Lord wanted me to fast from the computer for a while! Both of my computers are "under the weather"...John is fixing my desktop while we speak, though! So hopefully LOTS of pics soon:)

Your new pics are adorable, and I love what Melody did with your blog, too:)