"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Notice of Eviction

I, the landlord (mommy) am issuing 30 day notice for EVICTION. Tenant (baby) will have 30 days in which he or she can either gather belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which, he or she will be physically removed from the property.

Tenant is being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made!

Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home. On top of which, the landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances.

After 30 days from this day, non-compliance with the notice will result in his or her immediate removal at my discretion.

**My sister posted this not too long before my precious nephew was born and I thought it was comical and appropriate! :) She ultimately gave credit to Baby Center.**

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Irish Princess

Finally! I remembered to dress my child in the appropriate outfit (sent faithfully by my mother-in-law) for the holiday! Sometimes I dress her in it a couple of days afterward and snap a few pics. I'm posting this tonight simply to prove to myself that I did it!

Unfortunately, it's not the pair of pants that she sent as she wore 3 pair of green pants today.

Today was an off day for Little Bit wanting to use the potty.

She also received a crown that said "Irish Princess." Yesterday when she put it on she danced around the house chanting "I'm the king, I'm the king." This morning when she got up she asked, "Where's my king?" I told her it was upstairs and she went in search of it. I heard her coming down the stairs shortly after. (She's insistent about going down the stairs like a big girl now.) She got to the last stair where the railing runs out and took a little tumble. Her heart broke in two as she realized and exclaimed "I broke it!" (She made me want to shed a tear.) When I finally got her calmed down by telling her I may be able to fix it, she told me that she'd hurt her hand, but not until her "king" was taken care of.

I did the best I could, but forgot to add the "king" in with the pictures I took this after noon. Hey, I did good to get her in the clothes and get a picture taken and get said pictures posted to here so quickly...what more do you expect of me?!


Monday, March 15, 2010

"fly copper"

We went with dad to do his check ride. Mainly because nearby is the only Chili's in the state...well....there might be one other, but this was a perfect opportunity. We went and did a little shopping whilst he was flying and then came back just in time for him to land and give Little Bit some time in the cockpit. Then hit Chili's and soon headed for home.

There is a small airplane that sits next to the helicopter in the hangar. She asked if she could fly it and my mom told her that it was broken. To which she replied, "I fix it." I asked her how she was going to tackle that, and she said, "You help me?" Umm...nope, sorry kiddo!

"Ride copper?!"

Mimi and Half Pint watching Botz land in front of the hangar.

Not sure just where this face came from. Who am I kidding?! She's my child.

sink time

Half Pint's latest obsession is the sink. I turn it on as low as it will go and she stands there and fills up measuring cups and spoons and "washes dishes."

I told her to say, "cheese" for daddy. I didn't know there was a "p" in cheese, but this pic makes it look like she found one in there.

This has given me great motivation to keep the kitchen sink empty as she gets up there without my knowledge and plays in the dirty dishes. Eep!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

cheesing for daddy

I took this with my cell and sent it to my hubby. For some reason he was unable to see the picture on his phone, so now you all get to enjoy it! :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

what I've been hearing lately

"You're enormous!"

"When are you due?"

"You're getting so big."

"Let me guess...you've only got a couple of days left."

"How much longer?"

"You're huge!"

"I bet you're ready to be done."

I really don't think that I'm that big. I also didn't think I walked around looking as miserable as people's comments make me seem.

Hhumph....gotta love the third trimester...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Any guesses?

Baby #2 is doing very well. Moving....like a kung-fu fighter! My appointment that I've neglected (until now) to post about went great.

I'm really liking the midwife that I've chosen and I'm certainly excited that she will be the provider attending the birth! Every time I meet with her it's as if I'm her only patient of the day. She always listens to everything I say and answers all of my questions thoroughly.

The baby's heart rate has normally been in the 140's. I'm sure everyone has their guesses as to what that means. Unfortunately, one says "Oh, if it's high, it's a girl. If it's low it's a boy." Then the next proclaims, "You know, if it's low it's a girl. If it's high, it's a boy." Therefore, I don't truly know what the wife's tale might be. We'll all just have to wait and see...trust me, I know just as much as you do!

I'm measuring spot on with my gestation. 32-33cm at 32 weeks and 3 days. Even with that I have people saying that my belly looks lots bigger than it did with Half Pint. However, with her I always measured 1-2 weeks bigger than my gestation.

so many unknowns

What will baby be? boy or girl?

How much will baby weigh? lots like mommy and daddy did or on the lighter side like big sis?

Babe's hair? dark or light, curly or straight?

When? before due date or after? or well after like big sis?

Do you have any guesses? I'm interested to hear your opinion.

*Even if you've never posted before, you don't have to have an account or anything fancy just click the link below that says "comment" and do so anonymously. Just don't forget to put your name somewhere in the comment.*

look at "hair" go

This girl's hair is growing, growing, growing.

I must admit:

I. Love. Her. Hair.

Is that vain?

I realized that she has the same outfit on as she did in the last photos I posted of her.

We do laundry often and she has many more outfits than just this one.

Her daddy (and myself) loves her in green, so she wears this one frequently.