"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Peter jelly"

Half Pint is talking quite a bit. She really loves "Peter jelly" (peanut butter and jelly) sandwiches and makes lots and lots of "broccabi" (broccoli) in her small kitchen oven. I cannot believe she'll soon be two! It just hit me that her birthday will be here before we know it.
She enjoys to "talk-a-daddy" on the phone. "Ah you!" (I love you) "Da day!" (have a good day) "Lay der!" (see you later)

When she gets a glimpse of my bare belly she often wants to look at "bay brudder" or "bay sit-ter."

She is quick to proclaim when she's passed gas with a loud "toooot?!" To which I normally respond, "Say excuse me." "Cube keem." or "sooze you." (Even if she was the one doing the tooting.) :)
No one is really sure where "draank" (drink, very drawn out southern style) came from as neither her father nor I say words in such a fashion.
After giving you something she typically responds with "daynt you, wah kah." (thank you, you're welcome)
Her sense of humor is developing quite nicely and she's constantly making us laugh. Her cheery personally and wonderful smile keep us captivated daily. I love watching her grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I read your phonetic spelling of Aislynn-isms, I find myself saying them out loud! Haha! I get the full effect this way!