"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Cards

It's that time again and I'm totally pumped! I actually ordered Christmas cards this year. In all of our married life I have done this once. I'm terrible at doing things ahead of time and I didn't really want to pay for them. This year I found a deal for free picture cards; I just had to pay shipping. So I took Half Pint out back and started snapping. I'll share later which photo I used for the actual card, or you'll see it when you get one! :) That is, if I have your address...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Peter jelly"

Half Pint is talking quite a bit. She really loves "Peter jelly" (peanut butter and jelly) sandwiches and makes lots and lots of "broccabi" (broccoli) in her small kitchen oven. I cannot believe she'll soon be two! It just hit me that her birthday will be here before we know it.
She enjoys to "talk-a-daddy" on the phone. "Ah you!" (I love you) "Da day!" (have a good day) "Lay der!" (see you later)

When she gets a glimpse of my bare belly she often wants to look at "bay brudder" or "bay sit-ter."

She is quick to proclaim when she's passed gas with a loud "toooot?!" To which I normally respond, "Say excuse me." "Cube keem." or "sooze you." (Even if she was the one doing the tooting.) :)
No one is really sure where "draank" (drink, very drawn out southern style) came from as neither her father nor I say words in such a fashion.
After giving you something she typically responds with "daynt you, wah kah." (thank you, you're welcome)
Her sense of humor is developing quite nicely and she's constantly making us laugh. Her cheery personally and wonderful smile keep us captivated daily. I love watching her grow.


I'm so in love with this girl and her curls...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

lazy, dress-yourself kind of day

Monday was a super busy day for us filled with grocery shopping, checking out books at the library, getting a shot at the hospital :(, coffee break :), cleaning, and baking.

Tuesday we decided to take a little bit of a break. Since I've not yet organized this mess:

(clothes that are too small/summer clothes)

Believe it, or not, they were all neatly folded in a nice stack heap on her rocking chair. Little Bit loves to play in things I'd really rather her not. However, can I really blame her for playing in something that I've neglected to care for? Not really.

This was the outfit she compiled for the day:

Of course there is a really cute purple shirt and salmon pair of pants underneath what she'd chosen for herself.

And of course the lazy part:

Whilst I should have been caring for this...

We were vegging out watching V.eggie T.ales and eating G.oldfish.

Don't judge...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

buh-bye yellow

In our attempts to get our house ready for the market, we have decided that painting is absolutely necessary, as construction paint is all that coated 70% of our walls. For those of you that don't know, it's totally un-washable and really boring. I really enjoyed the sunny, bright, yellow walls in my dinning room. Sadly, it did not go very well with the color we'd chosen for the rest of the main areas of the house. Yesterday I said "good-bye" to my cheery yellow walls.

"Sorry, Mommy."

a fresh coat

...of paint. What a difference it makes! I'm only wishing we'd done it over two years ago when we first moved in...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

talkin with gramma

Talking to gramma over the webcam.

I just love her to pieces!

Pumpkin Farm

We have a wonderful pumpkin farm about 10 minutes from our house. We took Little Bit last year, but she didn't really care all that much. This year she was excited to see all of the animals. They had lots of animals a zebra included. Unfortunately when we got to the zebra, she was more fixated on the chickens. Oh well! We picked out several small gourds ("gours") with which she still plays.

Silly Face

Zacchaeus-had to be put down just today. He broke his leg badly when he got caught in the barn. :(

Hubby called this big boy in...he comes to "Elvis." :)

I know, I know

It's been forever! I'm trying to get caught up on things. Now that I have a month worth of food in my freezer, I might have a bit more time for other things! ha We'll see how that works out. So many things have happened since I last posted: pumpkin farm, Halloween, and a new baby nephew! I'm going to get working on more posts and hopefully get on with Not Me! Monday again.