This is what my house looked like after 4 weeks of weed growth in my flower beds. The weeds to the left of the door were taller than me! There was some kind of ivy (that I didn't plant) coming up onto the porch. There were also weeds coming up through the stairs. Crazy! A wonderful man from our church, Derrick, came with his daughter, Marie, to mow and weed eat while I was gone, but they couldn't get in the back yard to cut that heap of a mess; I ended up paying someone to come over and tackle that! Thank you thank you to Derrick and Marie even though you broke one of my horribly expensive solar lights, Marie!!! HA! (They came in a pkg of 6 for $20 or something silly like that.) No, I really do appreciate what both of you did, thank you! And thanks to Kim, Derrick's wife, for taking care of our pitiful dogs for a whole month. I really appreciate it. I will be posting "after" pictures tomorrow, so S. doesn't think that I haven't done anything with this mess. By the way...we are up for neighbor of the year. We are in the top 5 for barking dogs in the middle of the night and the highest growth in the yard!

A couple of the canna lilies pictured above were only roots when I planted them...and none were taller than 12" before I left! When I saw them in the dark, I thought they were trees! They are going on the side of the house this fall. I didn't know they got that tall. Ms. Kathy, the garden stone you gave us is in the middle of all of them! Kinda pointless right now!

This picture doesn't look too horrible if you don't know how my flower bed started out.

This sunflower was only about two inches tall before I left and didn't have a bloom, so there is beauty in all of this! :)
This is the back yard about half complete. They went at it with TWO riding mowers at once! Mrs. Virginia ran over the monster metal tie down that we have for the dogs and Mr. Carl ran over a dog rope. My dad said that I was supposed to pick all of that up before they started....they are lucky I found the dogs to bring them in!!

This one one of the areas that was a little shorter than the rest! There were times when I couldn't see the front of the mower!