I know it's been a little while. I've been out and about the last couple of weeks. S. and I went down to L*ouisiana for our new nephew's christening. I got home from Louisiana and my mother and sister called and said they found a ticket to come out to Colorado for cheap, so I couldn't pass it up. I'm so glad I got to see so many people. I do hate the fact that I just missed Gramma Marlene, Brynn, Derek and the boys. They had just left Colorado a couple of days before I got there.
While we were in Louisiana we got to see just about all of that gang. S.'s mom and aunt even came down from Canada. His father was out on the water, so we didn't get to see him at all this trip. Hopefully sometime soon, though. S.'s family had a wonderful surprise baby shower for us when we were down there. I am so blessed to have married into such a thoughtful and generous family. I'm so thankful to have each and every one of them in my life.
Colorado was a short trip, but I still enjoyed it. Not the flying to or from, but I managed. I feel terrible for the man sitting next to me on the way to N*ashville. I kinda got a little sick. Fun fun! I could have taken d*ramamine, but I just don't like to take a whole lot of medications having the little kangaroo on board. Mom, K*isti, John, Maren and I spent a few days together. Katie and Eli came over to K*isti and John's for a short visit as well. It was very nice to see everyone. Maren is growing up so much. John was carrying her around the house one morning and they saw a ladybug. John pointed and said, "Ladybug." Being the parrot that she is at 16 months, Maren said preciously, "Babybutt." So cute! We were walking around a store later that day and she just kept saying it over and over. Mom kept saying, "That's right,