"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me! Monday

....and I'm back! After lots and lots of traveling and lots and lots of...umm...other stuff that I'm sure I'll get to around here, we are finally home! I'm hoping we'll be here for at least a couple of months, but others in this household may have differing opinions. We'll just have to see about that.

I so did not have to run upstairs and get my list of crazy happenings to put on here. I'm not that neurotic...not me!

We were away from home for a number of months. Many things went on around here whilst we were gone. I certainly did not come home to mice! No way! Only people that live in poorly insulated trailers have mice...my home is immune to such atrocities!

Before leaving my parents my mom bought a big container of jelly beans. I was waiting on my mother in the parking lot of a store and enjoying a few. There is no way that I'm finicky (yes, that's a word) enough to take a small bite of a bean and throw it out the window when I didn't care too much for the taste. Nope, not me, I would never. (Who on earth likes popcorn, and coconut flavored jelly beans anyway?!)

I am quite a wonderful parent if I do say so myself. That being said there would be no possibility of me trying to woo my child into her car seat on a long trip with above mentioned jelly beans. Nope, not me! If there is something my child ought to do, by golly, I make her do it. No if, ands, or buts about it.....ha.

In being such a wonderful parent, I would never purchase something that my child will not let go of in a store just to keep her from pitching a royal fit complaining loudly. That, my friend is still on my list of "I would never..."

We went to MckyD's after a yard sale or two. I got Half Pint a fruit and yogurt dealy (yes, another word around here today). Of course she didn't want to eat it inside. She would rather just play with it in her car seat. I'm not that much of a fanatic to eat an entire parfait in one bite just so she could play with the spoon and cup...not me. In my defense, I did have to be quick about it, have I told you what she does when she's unhappy?!

I went to a place in town to get a pedicure. I love the whole experience and can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten a pedicure. I really enjoy the massage chairs. I did not look around expecting a hidden camera to be on me for some sort of joke when the massage chair started to massage my derriere. I also found it hard to hold back the laughter when the poor unsuspecting girl sat down next to me and got her first little bump from the chair and look around much like I did, desperate to find the button to turn that feature OFF.

Be sure to jump over to MckMama's blog and have a ripsnortin' good time (yes, another) reading about what other's did not do this week!

1 comment:

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

The Jelly Belly story is completely understandable! They should at least group those things in little "Flavor Families". I remember getting a super expensive box of Godiva chocolates from a parent when I was teaching. I sat by John, taking a bite, if I liked---I ate, if I did not like, John ate.