"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, February 29, 2008

Adorable Girl

A. got the cutest outfit from her great Auntie Pat. I thought I would take a couple of pictures of her today. I had the traveling coffee at my house this morning. Michele is very good at remembering to take pictures and said that people want to see me too....not by myself, with the baby of course.

Gramma's Visit

Sean's mom got to come and meet A. this week. Unfortunately it was a short trip. :( Gramma doesn't care too much for cameras, so these are the only shots i was able to get.

A Trip to Whoville

I promised mom I would post pictures of A. in her who suit that mom made for her. She looks so cute in it and it keeps her cozy warm when I cover her up with her matching blanket underneath. It reminds me of mint chocolate icecream when I see these pictures. I wanted to make sure I took her picture before it got too small for her. I waited a little too long because her hat was a little taut and I had to calm her after I got it on, that's the reason for the pacifier! Thank you, Mimi, for her cute icecream suit!

A family picture of sorts

A. is obviously not too thrilled and her daddy doesn't look to excited either. He has a wonderful smile, but hates to "pose" for pictures.

Baby's First Present

This is Aislynn's first present from her father. He's pretty proud of it and can't wait to take her to the range to fire it. I mentioned it earlier, but I don't even think we were home from the hospital before he bought the gun!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I've got him wrapped around my finger!

This little girl has got her daddy wrapped very tightly around her finger. He's already purchased her first gun! Insane! I think he had gotten that before we even brought her home from the hospital. It's cute. It's a little .22 rifle. He can't wait to take her out to the range to show her how to use it. He took the rifle to work this week to show it to the guys, but when I get a chance I'm going to snap a picture. This is a picture of A. hanging out with her daddy. He would lower her to the floor, her knees would bend and then she would stand straight up; they both thought that was pretty cool. S. kept asking her if she would start walking soon and then look at me like..."Will she?" He's not very up to speed with early childhood development.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This is the cutest stretch ever. Arch the back, draw in those little legs, and raise those tiny arms...don't leave any muscles out!

Oh, the faces she'll make!

A. is very expressive. I think she gets a lot of that from me. I'm not sure why! She snorts around in her bassinet when it's time to eat at night...she even makes sounds as if she's irritated that I haven't gotten her yet almost like she's 16 already. And she makes several different, mostly hilarious faces. I'll try and capture more as the days go by.

Smiling More

Our precious little girl has been smiling quite a bit more. The other day she giggled and it almost brought me to tears! I'm just trying to enjoy every stage no matter how quickly it flies. I'm thinking the flash was a bit much for her.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We caught her with grin. Still not sure if it's in response to us, but it's still pretty cute!

Thank you, Ms Megan

This is A. with the blanket and hat that Megan made. Too sweet! Thank you!


A. and I had the whole day to ourselves yesterday for the first time now that mom left. We had K*isti, Maren, and mom her since the 1st of Jan; dad came in for a few days and took K*isti and Maren with him. Mom stayed until this past Saturday. I was trying to see just how much I could get done having a little one around. This is a picture of A. while I cleaned the bathroom, living room, and kitchen and vacuumed and took a shower. Then she sat beside me in her papasan while I wasted a little too much time on the internet. (Some things don't change!)

Cute Hair

I was getting A. ready for bed last night and couldn't resist having a little fun with her hair.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"I love my bouncy seat!"

Big Yawn!

Ready for Church

Here's a snapshot of the little angel ready to go to church. So adorable!

The Completed Nursery

I think it's finally done. I'm not too sure how I think about the window treatment. I finally ended up getting roman shades. The only thing is, they aren't big enough. The window is 34 inches and the only sizes that Target had was 31" and 35". I got the 31" and put it right up to the window. I kept the box. I might just go and get the 35" and put it outside the window. What a situation! Goodness! All of the credit must go to K*isti for A.'s name. I bought some of the paper before she was born with a different idea in mind, but that's all I contributed. I thought it turned out really well. S. takes partial credit for the clock. He came up with the idea of putting the numbers around the clock.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

She's Got Oreos in Her Bassinet!!

We took A. to her first appointment last week. After just two weeks the child has put on almost exactly 2 pounds! We have decided, after thinking that she gained half a pound over night, she's got to be hiding oreos in her bassinet! She's doing well and is very healthy. She functions very well...we ended up changing 3 poopy diapers at the doctor's office alone and we weren't there for more than one hour!

First Real Bath

It took a while for Aislynn's cord to fall off so we have just been giving her sponge baths up to today. She liked sitting in the water, but didn't like it so much when Mimi started to wash her up. We did end up getting her all clean and smelling good with her lavender lotion. Yummy! I could just eat her up!