"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, March 30, 2009

Captain Destructo!

While talking with my hubby over the computer, I wanted to keep little bit in the office with me, so I shut the door and locked her in. I guess she didn't like that idea, and tried to make a break for it. Here's the proof:

She pulled of a portion of the floor board (I think that's what that's called) and started digging out the wall. Yes, the insides of the wall is what that white stuff happens to be on the floor.

She finally got my attention when she pulled back this portion of the paper on the wall to gain more access to the "inards" of the wall. Crazy kid!

Letter to Daddy

Dear Daddy,

Today I colored with my cousin. Mom said I did pretty well, so I'm going to have her send it to you in a box. I LOVED hearing your voice today; I got such a big smile on my face that Mimi and Auntie teared up. I am getting pretty good at my signing. I can sign "eat", "please", "more", "all done", and "please" is the sign I use the most. I had a bath with cousin and showed her how to get your hair washed without crying; she cries sometimes when it's time to get her hair washed; I'm not sure why! I'm really starting to love to dance. I really can't help myself when I hear music and sometimes even when there is no music to be heard. The other day I was crawling out of the living room and just HAD to stop and shake my hiney when Botts' singing mouse started up! I really would like to walk, but I am pretty scared of being too high off the ground. I might just wait until you come back, so I know you'll catch me when I fall! I love you, daddy and miss you lots and lots!

Your beautiful girl!

Throwing a Fit

I wouldn't want everyone to think that our little girl is a perfect angel ALL of the time. I also wouldn't want anyone to think that we have our lives in total control up here! We've got a lot to work on. First, fix whatever is wrong don't reach for the camera. Not really sure what was going on here....just crabby

Really, she doesn't listen to me right now anyway, so capturing these moments on camera to post for her daddy is the only productive thing I can do when these rare (haha) moments occur.

Getting ready to go out for steak with our Missouri friends.
Gorgeous Baby Blues

Hanging out in her "Pliglet" outfit.

Such a pretty girl!

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Couldn't resist! This was on our way up to Montana. Little Bit was enjoying a little bit of peanut butter bread. She really enjoys it if you couldn't tell.

The Case of the Bread Thief

It's been brought to my attention that not everyone that looks at this blog is on Facebook. I did put new pictures on there and neglected to put any on here! For that, I am so very sorry. I will do my best to keep both updated. :)

This first photo was submitted to evidence the other day. We knew there was someone stealing bits of bread we just didn't know who.

Then this was taken shortly after the first photo. A bit more conclusive evidence. And then.....

BUSTED! Caught with the bread in her chompers! Looking at Auntie almost as if to say, "Why'd you have to say anything?!"

Pantry Challenge

In my quest to save money I have realized many things we can do differently to save tons of money. One of the very things that can help many save money would be taking the Eating from the Pantry Challenge. The whole idea is to use as much as you can from your pantry without going to the grocery store.

Our example: My mom and I cleaned out her pantry and organized it. There are several things in there that could be used and so much money that can be saved. Mom normally goes into town on Thursdays and gets groceries. We are going to avoid that for at least a week. Saving (at least) $100 or more simply by making our menu out of what we already have. I must admit, I didn't come up with this on my own; I got it from this blog. We might have to get pretty creative toward the end of this challenge, but that exactly why it's called a challenge!

Are you looking into saving money? This is a great place to start. The first step is to leave a comment letting me know if you'll be embarking on this challenge with us. Best of luck to you!