"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, June 27, 2008

Random Shots

We have had a crazy week(end)! Saturday I had a women's ministry meeting. The mtg started at 6pm and I didn't leave Steph's until 11:15! The next day we got up for church and I had a show in Nashville that night that I had to get ready for and be there by 6pm. I didn't end up leaving there until around 9pm and it's at least 1.5 hours back here. Then Sean's cousin and his girlfriend, Kym, came in Monday afternoon so I had to clean out a spot for them to sleep in our house! I also thought about taking S.'s team lunch sometime and he told them I would Monday morning, so I had to cook for them. Then Monday night I had another show closer to home and then went out to meet S., Aron and Kym for dinner. I don't think we got home that night until after 9:30pm. Then I had to get up early and take S. to pick up the car. I came home and made muffins and coffee for our houseguests and then talked with them. Then the baby and I took a short nap and then took S. to the airport in Nashville and I stayed there to meet with some ladies to close out their shows and schedule more. A. ended up getting a tummy ache from the turkey/artichoke sandwich I had and cried the whole way home minus about 15 minutes that she slept. SO....the next day we didn't come out of our jammies until about 4pm and got some much needed rest! With all of that being said, if you haven't heard from me in the last few days....this is why!! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Hypochondriac!

S. says to me the other morning, "Did you notice the bags under her eyes?" I didn't really say either way. Then he says concerned, "Do you think she got D*own's S*yndrome? How soon would we be able to tell?"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cadence Laux

I just wanted to let everyone know that my dearest friend Tiffany had a little baby girl this morning. Her name is Cadence and she weighed in at 8 pounds 1 ounce and is 19" long! She has a head full of dark hair and "big lungs" her mother says! I'm so excited to be able to meet this little one and can't get there fast enough! Right now the baby (and Tiffany!) is really tired from the whole experience. She will latch on, but not much else right now. Pray that they get this b*reastf*eeding thing down.
Father, thank you so much for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy and delivery for Tiffany and little Cadence. You are Awesome! I pray many blessings over this little one! And ask that you give Tiffany and Ryan the guidance to raise her in the way that You would have them.


I took S. to the store with me yesterday. (I don't normally, and remarks like this one would be the reason.) I told him, "I'm getting them because they are buy one get one free." S. says, "Well, if you buy NONE, they're all free!"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I've Gotta Get Better

Happy Girl!

Lovin' on her dollie Auntie Natalie gave her.

I copy the month's pictures onto a disc at the end of every month. For the month of May there were only 30 pictures or something rediculous like that. I've got to get better about taking pictures and posting. This is my attempt!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just Being Cute

Gorgeous blue eyes!

The baby was just playing in her seat the other day and letting me get the rest of my stuff planted in front of the house and letting her daddy stain the back deck. I learned a lot while I was out gardening. I'm wishing that I had finished planting BEFORE I taught bible study on Thursday night about planting seeds! Oh well...now I know! I'll be blogging on that soon, I'll post pictures of the garden as well.