"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Newest Addition to Our House

Look close....do you see the baby??

Neither do we. Just wanted to post a couple pics of the new stuff I put in the baby's nursery. I put the ribbon on just a plain white shade. I thought it turned out pretty well.
Still no baby. Just hangin' out waiting. Nothing new to report. I had an appointment this week and she told me a little different than the last person I saw. She said I was 3cm and about 75% effaced. I guess we'll just have to keep waiting.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like that you picked one with blue dots and one with pink...i can't wait to know what the baby is!!! this is by far the longest secret i have ever been a part of.