"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, December 26, 2009

"pay no"

Little Bit has really enjoyed going out and playing in the snow ("pay no") whilst we've been in the colder regions of the US. Unfortunately, we haven't seen near the amounts of snow as the towns even 15-30 minutes from here.

The other morning Hubby was suiting up to take Half Pint out and I told him not to stay out too long as the outside temp had gone five degrees below zero. My hubby, being from the warmer regions of the US, only lasted a mere 2.5 minutes outside. Needless to say, Half Pint was not nearly as reluctant to come back inside this time.

one expressive girl

I didn't need a quick shutter for this photo...this face stuck for at least a few moments.

bakin' cookies

getting to enjoy the best part...

not quite sure if she's going to get in trouble for partaking in this cookie dough goodness...
"OK, where do I start?"

our finished product....
pumpkin raisin cookies

Saturday, December 5, 2009

such a smart girl

We have our computer set up to show the pictures stored as our screen saver. This photo flashed across the screen and I asked Little Bit, "Who's that?"

To which she replied, "bay sitter...tummy."

What a smart girl!

Our ultrasound was last Monday. Everything went very well and looked great. It was so great to see our little nugget moving around in there.

Baby certainly takes after daddy; every time the "camera" would get close to the face, Baby would quickly turn away.

I can't wait to meet this little one face to face.

Don't ask for names or sex; we aren't telling and we don't even know!