The other day I decided that A. needed a bath, but since her cord hasn't fallen off yet, we had to give her a sponge bath. I asked mom to go ahead and wash her hair and then I would wash the rest of her tiny body. Mom started a scrubbin' and put her head under the faucet and the girl never even opened her eyes, she stayed asleep the whole time!
The day we brought A. home the doctor told us that her bilireuben levels were a little high. One of the best ways to help that go down is sunlight. We thought instead of putting a sign in the window that said it's a girl, we would just put our girl in the window! We set her on the table in her bouncy seat and let her soak in the rays.
I had a second of A. nap-time and thought I would post a couple of pictures. She is doing wonderfully. She's so adorable and loads of fun. S. and I both find ourselves just sitting and staring at her.
Just to fill you in on how she got here..... We started timing the contractions at about 12pm on Tuesday. We stayed at home for a while and didn't go into the hospital until about 4:30 or 5 that afternoon. When the midwife came in to check me she said that I was the same as my last appointment and told me to go and walk for a while or go home and rest! What?! So we left and were home long enough for me to get in the tub for about 20 minutes and then I started to get sick. (My husband had just put in a dip and tried to "help" me breathe through a contraction. Needless to say...c*openh*agen makes me v.o.m.i.t! ha) Once that happened my mom said that I needed to get out and we had to go back to the hospital. She had also had a couple of dreams while she was here that she was going to have to deliver the baby! We went back in and I was 4cm and 100%, so they decided to admit me. I went the whole night with just my mom, sister, and husband to help me through the contractions. At about 7am on Wed they came in to check me and said that I hadn't done anything in the last couple of hours and I was still at 8cm. The midwife decided to go ahead and give me pitocin; I opted for the epidural at that point. Around 11am or so they came in and said that I was complete they just wanted the baby's head to come down a little further before having me push. Around noon I told the nurse that I was feeling a lot of pressure in my left hip, even with the epidural. She checked me and said that they should get me ready to start pushing. At around 12:10 the nurse put her gloves on expecting to get me pushing and get the midwife as soon as she could see the baby's head. They put my legs up and before I even started pushing her head was already down. It took less than 15 minutes from the time I started pushing until the time she came out. That was nice! I was afraid I was going to push forever and end up going back for a c-section. Thankfully, that wasn't the case! We are so blessed to have our little girl.
Things are getting started! My contractions have been about 4-5 minutes apart since about noon today. I've been walking and getting in the tub. We might leave for the hospital here in a little while. Wahoo!! We'll keep everyone posted!
Neither do we. Just wanted to post a couple pics of the new stuff I put in the baby's nursery. I put the ribbon on just a plain white shade. I thought it turned out pretty well. Still no baby. Just hangin' out waiting. Nothing new to report. I had an appointment this week and she told me a little different than the last person I saw. She said I was 3cm and about 75% effaced. I guess we'll just have to keep waiting.....
I'll be 40 weeks baby yet. Just hanging out. Having a few contractions here and there, but nothing regular. Something is happening, just not fast enough in my book. I guess we'll see. We were walking around the mall yesterday and plan to go to a few places today. Hopefully the walking will do some good. I'm not yet uncomfortable, just anxious to meet this baby! I'll keep all of you posted!
Mom, K*isti and M*aren have arrived. S. and I went to the doctor this morning and things are on a roll. It's just a matter of time. They said that I'm 2 cm dialated and about 80-90% effaced. The baby is down and ready to go. She went ahead and stripped my membranes...boy that's fun! ha Anyway be looking for the pics of the baby any day now.