"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Montana Horses

This is really cool! I think it's the first year I've actually been in town to see it. They run the horses from one spot in the state to another and mom and dad's town in on their route. It's a pretty big deal in this small town. A family we know always has a big brunch out at their house every year and the horses run right in front. They actually take the horses to be "hired out" for the summer. They are very large and powerful animals, so I got a little nervous with so many of them running in front of me. A pretty cool sight, though. Thought I'd share...


Michele said...

You look so good! I continue to LOVE your hair! That would be awesome to see all those horses!

Anonymous said...

Pretty! It's like watching a parade Montana style!


Kim Hodges said...

I would absolutely LOVE that!