"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Sunday, December 26, 2010

coming up for air

Short Stuff is growing wonderfully. She has two teeth and has decided she doesn't need to get any more. We're stuck at two. She is babbling more and more every day and starting to take things away from big sis. Of course, big sis doesn't not stand for this and promptly retrieves whatever it is that lil sis has taken. She is such a happy baby and normally quite content. What a joy!
Half Pint is doing quite well. She continues to amaze me every day with how much she retains and repeats. :/ She's such a blessing. I asked her if she could say "Thank you God for Jesus." To which she replied, "I can't. I don't have the words inside me." I learn so much from her daily.

School was crazy! Or shall I say, "Going to school while nurturing a marriage and two children, scrubbing toilets, cleaning showers, mopping floors, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, washing laundry, etc was quite tough. For those of you that didn't know, I started attending classes along with my husband in August of 2010. What a wild ride it turned out to be and I am (almost) ready to get back at it again. I thought I would hop on here and post a few recent pictures for you to enjoy. (Ya know, all two of ya.)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This video was just too precious not to share, but I cannot seem to find a way to flip it. Just turn your head to the left and enjoy!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


One of the most frustrating parts of being the youngest would have to be one of the best parts about being a mom...


pardon my rambling

I have sat down to update this blog a couple of times.

I have had a few things happen that I think, "That's a 'blog-worthy' moment."

Those moments haven't really ended up on here for one of two reasons: my memory is very poor and my time to blog is very limited.

I thought with hubby hunting and girls sleeping now would be a great time to have some chips and salsa and shed a little light on the things that have been going on around here.

Hubby and I both started back to school this week. Neither of us with any real direction. We are just trying to get our feet wet and hopefully a major focus with jump out at us.

We have a couple times a week that our classes are a mere 10 minutes apart and we have to swap strollers, baby carriers or car keys and then he heads to class whilst I head back home with the girls. We are slowly figuring it out.

I started the week at 12 hours and quickly cut back to 9 as I realized that my classes Tuesday and Thursday would overlap hubby's classes by 15 minutes. Half Pint is just able to go potty all by herself...it would be too much to ask of her to take care of Short Stuff also. I figured it best that I drop the class so I can watch her myself. :)

We have some wonderful neighbors that just moved in a couple doors down from us. They have 3 kiddos. Half Pint is thrilled to have friends close to her. It's quite nice for hubby and me to have someone to talk with and get to know as well!

Half Pint has been having a rough time lately. I'm not sure if there's something/anything I can blame it on. I think she's just.....two. She's not been wanting to go to bed lately. With any normal child it might not be as frustrating, but with breath-holding in our lives it makes ordinary two year old things hard to handle. We have managed to plow through bed-time and tonight was much better. Started out with the screaming, but thankfully it didn't last as long. I'm certain she's just trying to test me and see if she is in charge...thankfully I'm still the one in charge.

Short Stuff is doing quite well. She gets more and more interactive everyday. It's hard to believe she's 4.5 months! I'm certain she's bigger than her older sister was at this age. For her 4 month appointment she was at 15lbs. I tried to put an outfit on her that was mine and I couldn't even squeeze her into it. I'm thinking the outfit looks lots bigger on the hanger; by the time I tried it on HP it was too small for her as well.

I bought all of the groceries to start up with once a month cooking again. I had big plans of pulling an all night-er to cook everything since hubby is out hunting. That's not happened and I'm bound and determined to not let all of that food spoil! Tomorrow?? We shall see how it unfolds!

I came across two chairs that someone was going to throw out. I thought for sure I would have a purpose for them...and I did. I've been wanting a place to sit outside and haven't quite been able to set aside anything for (expensive) outdoor furniture. I thought for sure there would be something I could cover them with that I could put outside.

And then came outdoor canvas!

Here are my newly recovered out door chairs and it only cost me $8 for the material to recover them!

Well after all of that, I'm ready for bed. Guess chopping onions will have to wait once again!

Friday, September 3, 2010

I think they look a bit alike. What do you think?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

oh the questions...

A: "Where's that girl with the balloon going?"

Me: "I don't know."

A: (growing irritated) "Where's that girl going?"

Me: "I don't really know."

A: "Where's she GOING?"

Me: "Child, I do not know."

A: (very frustrated) "WHERE'S SHE GOING?"

Me: "A party."

A: "Oh.......can I go?"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

first bath in the big tub

We spent most of our day today at a festival and came home with one tired puppy dog. I decided to save myself some trouble/time and put both of the girls in the tub together. Not too bad and you might be able to tell: Short Stuff really liked it.
I got this idea in a magazine. My sis saw the same one and bought too much sand for her boys. I ended up getting the bag of sand she had left over and we were able to make a little "sand box" for free! Love it. Not as messy as her sitting in a sand box.

Such a goober! This is her "cheese face."

weekend hikes

We have started hiking on our Saturday mornings together. We pack our lunch and out the door we go!

This was last weekend's hike. Hubby was taking Half Pint down to the water to throw rocks.

This picture really doesn't do justice to the beauty of this hillside...

Right about here hubby started to sing, "The hills are alive..." Not exactly the tune that I remember hearing, but the words were right on!

So blessed to live here!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I can't keep up....

with baby books.

with blogs.

with housework.

with friends.

Right now our life is a little busy and I'm soaking up as much of my family as I can.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hanging out on A's "big gorr" (big girl) bed watching daddy hang curtain rods.

My grandmother confirmed the fact this morning that T's cheeks do not look this big in person! I guess it's right the camera adds 10 pounds! :) She's absolutely precious. You can tell she's her daddy's daughter in this one last photo!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eep! It's been a while! With a move, a baby, a (too short) visit from MIL and her "friend" (wink, wink) and lots of other changes, I'm finally getting around to updating the 5 of you that read my blog! :) Needless to say, we have been quite busy.

Summer session at school starts on Monday for hubby. That will be a change of pace. We're in married student housing on campus. It's very small and cramped cozy, but little different from that which we are accustomed.

Both of our girls are growing like weeds!

T is already up to 12lbs at her 2 month checkup. She's already able to blow raspberries (mimicking me) and she's coo-ing and goo-ing up a storm. She doesn't like to be hot, much like her big sister was at this age, and she loathes gas. Unfortunately with the family she comes from, I can't see the gas going away any time soon...she's going to have to learn to embrace that one. T has also been sleeping like a champ! She has gone 12 hour stretches a few nights already. If she keeps that up she'll be ready to go into her crib in the same room as big sis.

A is loving being a big sister. Though I'm pretty sure she thinks the baby is just my play thing that cries every now and then. We try to give her special attention such as daddy taking her to a movie (her first) at the theater. 3D even! Her vocabulary increases everyday. A is just about fully potty trained. We still wear overnight diapers in her (new) big girl bed! We thought that transition would be rough, but it has gone exceptionally well. She only gets out of bed every-once-in-a-while. Really, she lays there and screeches until one of us comes to get her in the morning.

I'm doing my best to keep up with all that's going on around me. I'm really loving being close to family again. I think I need to tone it down a bit with the budget being busted every month up here! :) Trying to down size and we've already had one yard sale, two weekends in a row! (That's hard work, thanks sis for all your help!)

God has continued to be faithful! Every time I begin to worry about health care, finances, etc He shows just how much he cares and provides everything we need at just the right time! (Not my time, of course, but the right time.)

I'll leave you with a moment that A and I shared just a couple of days ago.

I was changing Teeny's diaper and Big sis comes to me after having played in her room solo for a few minutes.

A: "You not spank me mom, you not." Me: "No, I'm not going to, baby. (Wondering why she would bring that up) Why? What did you do?" A: "We not frow fings, mommy." Could you be referring to the rule we have about not throwing things down the stairs? Why is that wooden dowel that was once in your hand now on the middle of the stairs? She's a handful!

And the moment I get on here to update, blogger is being silly and won't let me upload pics! bah! I'll get some up here as soon as I can!

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's a....


Teegan Hawley

Born April 24, 2010 at 10:09 pm

8 lbs 6 oz 21 in

Welcome to the world precious child!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter Sunday

Ain't she cute?!

The hubs didn't get in until the day after Easter, so it was just the two three of us in this shot. Actually, I guess the third didn't make it into the picture either. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Notice of Eviction

I, the landlord (mommy) am issuing 30 day notice for EVICTION. Tenant (baby) will have 30 days in which he or she can either gather belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which, he or she will be physically removed from the property.

Tenant is being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made!

Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home. On top of which, the landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances.

After 30 days from this day, non-compliance with the notice will result in his or her immediate removal at my discretion.

**My sister posted this not too long before my precious nephew was born and I thought it was comical and appropriate! :) She ultimately gave credit to Baby Center.**

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Irish Princess

Finally! I remembered to dress my child in the appropriate outfit (sent faithfully by my mother-in-law) for the holiday! Sometimes I dress her in it a couple of days afterward and snap a few pics. I'm posting this tonight simply to prove to myself that I did it!

Unfortunately, it's not the pair of pants that she sent as she wore 3 pair of green pants today.

Today was an off day for Little Bit wanting to use the potty.

She also received a crown that said "Irish Princess." Yesterday when she put it on she danced around the house chanting "I'm the king, I'm the king." This morning when she got up she asked, "Where's my king?" I told her it was upstairs and she went in search of it. I heard her coming down the stairs shortly after. (She's insistent about going down the stairs like a big girl now.) She got to the last stair where the railing runs out and took a little tumble. Her heart broke in two as she realized and exclaimed "I broke it!" (She made me want to shed a tear.) When I finally got her calmed down by telling her I may be able to fix it, she told me that she'd hurt her hand, but not until her "king" was taken care of.

I did the best I could, but forgot to add the "king" in with the pictures I took this after noon. Hey, I did good to get her in the clothes and get a picture taken and get said pictures posted to here so quickly...what more do you expect of me?!


Monday, March 15, 2010

"fly copper"

We went with dad to do his check ride. Mainly because nearby is the only Chili's in the state...well....there might be one other, but this was a perfect opportunity. We went and did a little shopping whilst he was flying and then came back just in time for him to land and give Little Bit some time in the cockpit. Then hit Chili's and soon headed for home.

There is a small airplane that sits next to the helicopter in the hangar. She asked if she could fly it and my mom told her that it was broken. To which she replied, "I fix it." I asked her how she was going to tackle that, and she said, "You help me?" Umm...nope, sorry kiddo!

"Ride copper?!"

Mimi and Half Pint watching Botz land in front of the hangar.

Not sure just where this face came from. Who am I kidding?! She's my child.

sink time

Half Pint's latest obsession is the sink. I turn it on as low as it will go and she stands there and fills up measuring cups and spoons and "washes dishes."

I told her to say, "cheese" for daddy. I didn't know there was a "p" in cheese, but this pic makes it look like she found one in there.

This has given me great motivation to keep the kitchen sink empty as she gets up there without my knowledge and plays in the dirty dishes. Eep!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

cheesing for daddy

I took this with my cell and sent it to my hubby. For some reason he was unable to see the picture on his phone, so now you all get to enjoy it! :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

what I've been hearing lately

"You're enormous!"

"When are you due?"

"You're getting so big."

"Let me guess...you've only got a couple of days left."

"How much longer?"

"You're huge!"

"I bet you're ready to be done."

I really don't think that I'm that big. I also didn't think I walked around looking as miserable as people's comments make me seem.

Hhumph....gotta love the third trimester...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Any guesses?

Baby #2 is doing very well. Moving....like a kung-fu fighter! My appointment that I've neglected (until now) to post about went great.

I'm really liking the midwife that I've chosen and I'm certainly excited that she will be the provider attending the birth! Every time I meet with her it's as if I'm her only patient of the day. She always listens to everything I say and answers all of my questions thoroughly.

The baby's heart rate has normally been in the 140's. I'm sure everyone has their guesses as to what that means. Unfortunately, one says "Oh, if it's high, it's a girl. If it's low it's a boy." Then the next proclaims, "You know, if it's low it's a girl. If it's high, it's a boy." Therefore, I don't truly know what the wife's tale might be. We'll all just have to wait and see...trust me, I know just as much as you do!

I'm measuring spot on with my gestation. 32-33cm at 32 weeks and 3 days. Even with that I have people saying that my belly looks lots bigger than it did with Half Pint. However, with her I always measured 1-2 weeks bigger than my gestation.

so many unknowns

What will baby be? boy or girl?

How much will baby weigh? lots like mommy and daddy did or on the lighter side like big sis?

Babe's hair? dark or light, curly or straight?

When? before due date or after? or well after like big sis?

Do you have any guesses? I'm interested to hear your opinion.

*Even if you've never posted before, you don't have to have an account or anything fancy just click the link below that says "comment" and do so anonymously. Just don't forget to put your name somewhere in the comment.*

look at "hair" go

This girl's hair is growing, growing, growing.

I must admit:

I. Love. Her. Hair.

Is that vain?

I realized that she has the same outfit on as she did in the last photos I posted of her.

We do laundry often and she has many more outfits than just this one.

Her daddy (and myself) loves her in green, so she wears this one frequently.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Praise The Lord (even for the small stuff)

I was just looking back on my posts and realized I hadn't included the following blurb from one of our mornings and I want to make sure I don't forget it.

I went in to get Half Pint when she woke up. I asked if she wanted eggs and toast for breakfast. To which she replied, "Umm....I wann poptarts an' milk."

"I'm pretty sure we can do that," I said.

"Paise a Lord!!" she emphatically exclaimed with both hands raised high.

What a great lesson to be learned! Even when the smallest of things go my way, let me always remember to praise Him.

Have I mentioned how much I love this kid?!

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6

Friday, February 19, 2010

Flashback Friday

This little girl changes so much every day.