"May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, my Lord and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hanging out on A's "big gorr" (big girl) bed watching daddy hang curtain rods.

My grandmother confirmed the fact this morning that T's cheeks do not look this big in person! I guess it's right the camera adds 10 pounds! :) She's absolutely precious. You can tell she's her daddy's daughter in this one last photo!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eep! It's been a while! With a move, a baby, a (too short) visit from MIL and her "friend" (wink, wink) and lots of other changes, I'm finally getting around to updating the 5 of you that read my blog! :) Needless to say, we have been quite busy.

Summer session at school starts on Monday for hubby. That will be a change of pace. We're in married student housing on campus. It's very small and cramped cozy, but little different from that which we are accustomed.

Both of our girls are growing like weeds!

T is already up to 12lbs at her 2 month checkup. She's already able to blow raspberries (mimicking me) and she's coo-ing and goo-ing up a storm. She doesn't like to be hot, much like her big sister was at this age, and she loathes gas. Unfortunately with the family she comes from, I can't see the gas going away any time soon...she's going to have to learn to embrace that one. T has also been sleeping like a champ! She has gone 12 hour stretches a few nights already. If she keeps that up she'll be ready to go into her crib in the same room as big sis.

A is loving being a big sister. Though I'm pretty sure she thinks the baby is just my play thing that cries every now and then. We try to give her special attention such as daddy taking her to a movie (her first) at the theater. 3D even! Her vocabulary increases everyday. A is just about fully potty trained. We still wear overnight diapers in her (new) big girl bed! We thought that transition would be rough, but it has gone exceptionally well. She only gets out of bed every-once-in-a-while. Really, she lays there and screeches until one of us comes to get her in the morning.

I'm doing my best to keep up with all that's going on around me. I'm really loving being close to family again. I think I need to tone it down a bit with the budget being busted every month up here! :) Trying to down size and we've already had one yard sale, two weekends in a row! (That's hard work, thanks sis for all your help!)

God has continued to be faithful! Every time I begin to worry about health care, finances, etc He shows just how much he cares and provides everything we need at just the right time! (Not my time, of course, but the right time.)

I'll leave you with a moment that A and I shared just a couple of days ago.

I was changing Teeny's diaper and Big sis comes to me after having played in her room solo for a few minutes.

A: "You not spank me mom, you not." Me: "No, I'm not going to, baby. (Wondering why she would bring that up) Why? What did you do?" A: "We not frow fings, mommy." Could you be referring to the rule we have about not throwing things down the stairs? Why is that wooden dowel that was once in your hand now on the middle of the stairs? She's a handful!

And the moment I get on here to update, blogger is being silly and won't let me upload pics! bah! I'll get some up here as soon as I can!